Harvest of Artists Art Show Nov 2-20, 2022
The Busy Bees were at it again. The artists arrived at Open Space Arts with their glorious works of art. Checked in, wired correctly, labeled, the art inventory lists are filled in and handed over, ok! We're done. Well that part is, now the OSA Committee places all of the largest works, the big eye-catching pieces at key points around the gallery and then spreads the remaining large art around those pieces for happy arrangements. The show is set, well almost set to open on Wednesday, November 2, 2022.
Getting an Art Gallery Set to Open for a Show
The artwork has been juried in, delivered and is ready to be hung. There are a lot of steps in getting an art gallery ready for the day when it is opened for the public to see. Which in our case means that Open Space Arts at Stonebridge, 15000 #140 Potomac Town Center, Woodbridge, VA is undergoing the art changeover so that we are ready to open on Wednesday, November 2 at noon. The title for this show is "Harvests of Artists". Sounds good for the season, eh?
Gallery Hours: Wed-Sat 12-7pm and Sun 12-5pm
Artwork is moved around the gallery leaning against the walls in the areas and sections that it may be hung. As we move around the gallery, and set up an area, the best look for that area is developed. How do the various pieces look next to each other? Would it look better with that art across the room? This is debated on long and hard but eventually each section is agreed upon, along with the window display and signage, and now its time to hang.
Up Goes the Art
Occasionally you hear the, "OH MY, this is heavy". That's usually because the artist uses real glass and not plexiglass. It is a good alternative to keep in mind when framing folks. Sometimes an extra set of hands is necessary for those big pieces.
The wiring on the art must be low enough that the top of the hook doesn't show above the top of the frame or canvas too. Artists need to consistently measure their art as well when wiring, especially the same sized pieces. If the gallery is hanging the same size artwork by the same artist, one would hope that hanging them side by side, they would have their wires quite similarly strung so that one is not higher or lower than another.
Eventually ALL the art is up. Whooosh. Big sigh of relief. The gallery looks awesome. Oh, wait, we have to label them next. The adventure begins again tomorrow on Tuesday, when all the labels have to be matched to the artwork. Around and around the gallery we go, again.
Sneak Peek? I knew you would want to see it.
Side note for newer artists:
The beauty of Open Space Arts is that we have local artists 18 or older - that reside in Prince William County OR are members of a PWC art group the opportunity to submit their artwork for Calls for Art. So long time artists as well as newer artists have the potential to have their art hung in a gallery. But follow the requirements!
ALWAYS Label the BACK of the painting with your name, the title of the piece, the medium, the size is helpful, and the PRICE. You should do this at home before you deliver it to save time. You can create your own labels, business cards, stickers. But that info must be there. Once you turn over your art to the gallery, how are WE supposed to know which piece is which out of the hundreds of pieces of art now in the gallery with no label? That's why we have to do the CHECK IN!!
I've typed it before but we have had art delivered with no wire so how is the gallery supposed to hang it?
An artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at https://DonnaLiguriaArt.com & her Blog at https://donnascavepainting.blogspot.com/.
Local Art: Visit us at Stonebridge Open Space Arts at 15000 Potomac Town Center, Woodbridge, VA - Open Wed to Sat 12-7 and Sun 12-5
The Prince William Art Society is a 50-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia.
Want to know how to get involved at OSA? If you are an artist (18 or older) living in Prince William County, or a are a member of a PWC art group, you are welcome to get on our next art show's emailing list. Send it to us, OR come by the gallery to find out more.
Want to join PWAS? Go to https://www.princewilliamartsociety.com/membership