Showing posts with label Rejoin PWAS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rejoin PWAS. Show all posts

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Post 530: January is Join PWAS Time

January is (Re)Join PWAS Time

Many an artist might say "I wish I knew then what I know now", and we often say that right? Almost any art group near you should have opportunities for an adult artist to join, get involved, and stretch their artistic reach right where they live. The Prince William Art Society (PWAS) offers local artists ways to get involved and get their art "out there" as well as tons of benefits for growth, learning, and sharing.

What is PWAS?

The Prince William Art Society is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization of local artists, living in and around Prince William County, Virginia. The art group's mission is to promote the understanding, creation and exhibition of the visual fine arts - mainly in PWC, but we might be found anywhere in the area as well. 

PWAS began in 1971, making it the oldest art group in Prince William County. A scholarship program was begun in 2008, called the Jewell Pratt Burns Art Scholarship. In 2024, PWAS began offering free and various art workshops around Prince William County.

Learn more about PWAS on our website: and read this blog post too

Why Join PWAS?

Often it is easier to do and learn all of the things an artist needs to do to be seen by being in an art group than as a single artist trying to do everything all by yourself, even though we all wish we could simply just make our art. Being in an art group, the artist would certainly have access to many more opportunities! See Artist NTK

The Prince William Art Society is a very diverse collection of artists from every background and skill level - beginner artists to those that have been creating art for many years. We have art teachers, graphic artists, digital artists, exceptional oil, acrylic, and watercolor painters and a wide range of mixed media artists. PWAS has artists that are self-taught to members that have college art degrees. A common desire of the PWAS members is to share their knowledge as well as learn from each other, including exploring new creative avenues.

Many members join with the desire to show their art but don't know how or where to begin, so join PWAS for:

For the Art of it!

  • Show off your art - at shows, galleries, festivals, wineries, libraries, and more.
    • Some shows may be juried, while many shows are open.
  • Plein Air Painting - a group within PWAS that gets outdoors and paints!
  • Learn more - about anything and everything art, including the presentation of art.
  • Networking opportunities - make connections with artists and art lovers.
  • Sharing of local and nearby, potential art opportunities to apply to.
  • Expand your artistic reach, outlook, and potential.
  • Learn how to get involved - in helping other artists, in giving back, and more.

For the Activities!

  • Monthly Meetings
  • Presentations
  • Workshops and Classes 
  • Go on a Field Trip
  • Teaching Opportunities

 For the Fun of it!

  • Socialize with fellow artists! 
  • That field trip last year to the National Gallery of Art was fantastic!
  • Develop art friendships that will cheer you on!
  • Our annual PWAS Christmas party!
  • How about a future PWAS picnic?

For the Future of Art in PWC!

  • There are many things on the radar for the Prince William Art Society including new art shows and locations to show our art. There are some GREAT things on the horizon and YOU could be a part of it!
  • Get involved in the search for our new gallery space. We want our own gallery space - we'll go short term if we need to but long term IS the goal.
  • Get involved - especially if YOU have skills to share with fellow artists or a skill needed to help promote PWAS!
  • At the end of 2025 a new Board will be voted on - we need YOU and your skills!
  • Help us improve the art scene in Prince William County.

Meetings are the fourth Monday of the month at 7:30pm and typically include a program with a guest speaker - to learn something new, or may be a show and tell session or even a special surprise! Our meetings are held here: 

The Tall Oaks Community Center 
12208 Cotton Mill Road 
Woodbridge, VA

Benefits to Joining PWAS (or any art group)

Here are some of the benefits to joining an art group:
  • Make a name for yourself close to home.
  • Learn about upcoming art shows and exhibits, and Calls for Art.
    • Local businesses often contact art groups for help with their artistic needs!
  • Be inspired, rejuvenated, and build camaraderie with other artists and potentially feedback for a fresh perspective.
  • Take part in art competitions.
  • Explore new media of interest to you.
  • Opportunity to be a member with your own Art Showcase for a small annual fee.
  • Potential to be in the PWAS Art Store (certain art shows sell art via our store).
  • Potential workshops and/or class participation (often FREE!)
  • Potential ability to display artwork in the art group's studio, gallery, shows, etc.
  • Attend various art exhibitions, museums - art "field trips"
  • Potential "Featured Artist" or "Artist of the Month" or voted "Best in Show"
    • On this blog, on the website, on our social media - get YOUR news out there!
  • Networking with people in your local art world.
  • Learn the business of art - its a broad subject with all kinds of twists and turns. 
  • Be a part of the PWAS Chat Group on Facebook for members only.
  • Show off, share, and teach what you know and do.
  • Possibility to enter various art events as a group member with less expense than being a solo artist. 
  • Find collaborators on art projects.
  • The art group's promotion and social media, advertising and marketing for art events means exposure for you as well. 
  • Join a committee or be the champion of a PWAS task that helps the entire group to achieve our goals and purposes and give you the opportunity to have a voice in what we do! Champions help get things DONE for all of us!
  • And much more.

See the blog post Joining Your Local Art Group(s), Benefits to Volunteering - we all learn more by actually just doing it, don't we?!

How to Join PWAS

Of note: Members need to be 18 or older.

There are two ways to join the Prince William Art Society:
*1. Join via the PWAS website membership link online. It is safe and secure as well as easy to do:
Click on the green "Join PWAS" button on the above link and fill in the PWAS Membership Payment area. Select the appropriate Membership Type and submit your payment.
2. Join by sending the application and a check through the mail with the appropriate fee.
Prince William Art Society
PO Box 2013
Woodbridge, VA 22195
*Best method and quickest method to join!

Get Excited!

We welcome you to join our art group today and be a part of our growth and mission. Exciting times are coming in Prince William County and you can be in a front row seat becoming a member of the Prince William Art Society today.

See you at an art meeting!

Author: Donna Liguria
Artistry Spin Blogmaster and an artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA, specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at, her Donna's Esty site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.

Local Art: The Prince William Art Society is a 50+-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia. Visit us at any of our local art shows or join us for our monthly meetings - held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Tall Oaks Community Center at 12298 Cotton Mill Dr, Woodbridge, VA at 7:30pm

Want to join PWAS? Go to

Have an idea for a blog post? Are you a writer and want to help with the blog? Let me know! Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment! pinterest-site-verification=3ad32cc9cfeae507ba5a382d62fcee17

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Post 434: PWAS Website and Member Notes

PWAS Websites and Membership Notes

A few questions come up about the Prince William Art Society periodically from our members and from the general public, media, and businesses in the area. The PWAS website has all the pertinent information about WHO PWAS is, WHAT PWAS does, WHERE PWAS will be, AND PWAS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). And there is so much more to learn about PWAS!

The Prince William Art Society Home Page

This blog post will point out some common queries, starting out with how to (re)join PWAS.

Two Ways to Renew and Join PWAS Membership

In the Beginning - (of the year) - PWAS membership rejoining is open for a period of time - for now, up to the end of February. Obviously, anyone can join at any time and we have prorated the membership depending on full year to partial year.

I've had several people ask questions about how to join or rejoin the Prince William Art Society - and there are 2 ways to join the longest running art group in PWCounty here in good ole' Virginia. 

It all starts by going to the PWAS website.

Go to the PWAS website and to the Membership Page at

Method 1. Click the Join PWAS green button to pay by credit card. It is safe, easy and QUICK! An email verifying your membership and welcome will be sent to you. This is the PWAS preferred method and the member is easily added to our member/mailing list and payment is received directly.
Method 2. BELOW the green Join button are the directions to MAIL in your payment. Click the "Click Here" to get the Form to mail in with your payment and drop that in the mail. Once your mail is received and processed, you will be sent an email verification/welcome.

After February, former members that have not rejoined will be removed from our mailing list and opportunities to join in our group's activities, art shows, etc. Also, if the past member is in our PWAS Showcase Gallery, they'll be removed as well. 
And we have a LOT planned for 2024-2025 that you might miss!
Remember, PWAS meets once a month on the 4th Monday of the month at 7:30pm at the Tall Oaks Community Center, 2298 Cotton Mill Dr. Woodbridge, Va, which is open to the public - so come on by!

PWAS Artistry Spin Blog

The PWAS blog is a source for "articles" written in a more conversational tone about anything ART and about the Prince William Art Society, its members and its activities - art shows, art news, images, ideas and so much more. 

Go to

With currently 433 Blog Posts (prior to this one) there is a lot of meat on this steak!

PWAS Artistry Spin Blog

In a way, Artistry Spin could even be considered an ongoing history about PWAS. If you ever wonder if there is any information about a certain PWAS topic on the blog, a good idea is to use the Search this Blog feature at the top of the right-hand navigation on a keyword about that topic.
Remember to Follow the Blog, Comments are very welcome and see the Comments page if you need help.


Many of the PWAS Members that have art displayed at the GoWell Locations are featured in our online Shop located at The locations that show our art do not sell the art directly, the visitors and potential buyers can click on a QR Code prominently featured per location and they are directed to shop on the web link.

PWAS Shop Page

If you need help with the GoWell information, please see the GoWell page.

PWAS Contacts

Not only does the Board and Contacts page give you the who's who on Board Member Names and positions, but it gives you options on various emails to direct your inquiries, questions, suggestions and who to send news to. 

PWAS Board and Contacts Page

PWAS Frequently Asked Questions

Divided up into various sections, find common FAQs: General, Advice, Shop/Store, Resources, and Scholarship information of interest to you.
Note also that on the Blog, there is a FAQ page as well for in depth Q&A at 

PWAS Calls for Art

PWAS future Calls for Art (C4A) were discussed to be handled by going to the website. Previously sent out and submitted via email for various locations, in future there may be alternative methods for submitting art. A Call may go out by email to PWAS members to announce it, but the possibility to submit to the C4A through a link on the PWAS website may be available for consistency as well.

PWAS Gallery

PWAS Members have the option when they join the art group to pay an annual and minimal fee to showcase their own art on their own PWAS page. This link goes to the Gallery Home, but in the drop down navigation when you hover over the "Gallery", you will see the individual pages to each artist.
Once payment for your personal Showcase page is paid for, the Webmaster will contact you for your information. Have a look at the other PWAS Member pages to have an idea on what you will need so that formatting is consistent.

PWAS Donations

There is a difference in the Donations page and being a Patron or Sponsor of PWAS.

Donations - are for those that desire to give to the Scholarship Fund that PWAS gives out annually.

If you want to give to the Prince William Art Society as a Patron or Sponsor, go to the Membership page at There you can click on the green Join PWAS button and note the check box for Patron or Sponsor when you give via credit card. Either way, PWAS thanks you very much.

PWAS Chat on Facebook (FB)

PWAS has its own private Group on Facebook - open to Current PWAS Members ONLY. We just went to 19 PWAS Members in the FB group as of this writing. It can be used any way the PWAS members would like, including posting other interesting Calls for Art in the area, art questions, PWAS questions, pictures, community notes, create a poll, add a chat, create events and MORE! - I'm not posting the link here but be aware that if you use FB and are a member of PWAS, you can request membership to join or send me your FB name.

We have PWAS Members that are so very talented in so many ways - not only in the art they create, but the skill sets they have, and the desire of "giving back" and success for the Prince William Art Society when they donate their time and talents.

If you haven't visited the PWAS website in awhile, check out the information available to you - as a member or as a business, group, media - we'd love to hear from you. Drop a comment below.

Quick side note: To prevent spam comments, the Blog Admin needs to approve each comment left, so allow time for me to put the paint brush down to click it. The same with PWAS Chat member requests approvals. Believe me, we get the spammers!

Author: Donna Liguria
Artistry Spin Blogmaster and an artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA, specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at, her Donna's Esty site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.

Photography/Video Credits:
Donna Liguria

Local Art: The Prince William Art Society is a 50+-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia. Visit us at any of our local art shows or join us for our monthly meetings - held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Tall Oaks Community Center at 12298 Cotton Mill Dr, Woodbridge, VA at 7:30pm

Want to join PWAS? Go to

Have an idea for a blog post? Are you a writer and want to help with the blog? Let me know! Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!