Showing posts with label Art at the Mill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art at the Mill. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Post 547: PWAS Members, Congrats and Art at the Mill

PWAS Members, Congrats, Art at the Mill

Good news comes in lots of forms and emails. As an artist, some really great news is getting that note from a Call for Art that your artwork has been accepted into an art show that was applied to. A few of the Prince William Art Society members received such emails this past Monday, March 10, 2025.

Art at the Mill

It happens twice a year. In the spring and again in the fall across the hills and fields of Virginia. Roughly around 300 artists get a merry twinkle in their eye when that little green announcement comes into their Inbox. Dates are set to go drop off art over in Millwood over in Clark County, about 1 hr and 15 minutes from here in Woodbridge, VA. 

See Art at the Mill Spring 2025

We usually have some Prince William Art Society members apply. So, let's give a big congrats to the following PWAS Members that were just juried in to the Spring Art at the Mill Show with some little green emails making their day!

PWAS Member Staci Blanchard

This was Staci's first time entering Art at the Mill (AATM) and she got in! Big conrats!!

The Last Marble, 16x20, Acrylic

PWAS Member Sandra McClelland Lewin

Sandra has been entering and having artwork accepted to AATM for some years now. I believe I heard about AATM from her, too. Congratulations on her three pieces entered and juried in!

Blossoms & Bees, 20 x 20, Acrylic

Peony, 24 x 24, Acrylic

Blue Crab, 12x12, Acrylic

PWAS Member Bettie Sperty

Congratulations to Bettie. That I know of, this is Bettie's second year entering AATM...and ALL of her artwork was accepted. Bettie killed this art call.

PWAS Member Elena Jochum

Congratulations to Elena for getting her artwork in too! 11”x14” watercolor on paper for both. Pink one is titled: “Sakura dance” and the green one is “Blackberry Lily”

PWAS Member Donna Liguria

And here are my two that were accepted. It is truly an honor to just get into this amazing, awesome art show!

On the Table is 10x24 in Acrylics and Acrylic Pens
Bluebell Strolling at Merrimac Farm is 16x20 in Acrylics

As you, dear reader, should know by now, seeing art in person is a world of difference than seeing it on your phone or a computer. The best thing to do is take a ride out to 

Art at the Mill
Burwell Morgan Mill
15 Tannery Lane, Millwood, VA

You need to check out what all the fuss is about. The show runs from Saturday, April 26 through Sunday, May 11. They will also post the image gallery of all the artwork online during the duration of the show and it displays if it has sold or not. But in person, in your face Art at the Mill is truly an experience.

AND we to look for the Fall Art at the Mill Call for Art so you don't miss out the next time!

Some Past posts on AATM. I suppose I've been rolling out to Clark County for a couple of years now too!

Author: Donna Liguria
Artistry Spin Blogmaster and an artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA, specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at, her Donna's Esty site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.

Local Art: The Prince William Art Society is a 50+-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia. Visit us at any of our local art shows or join us for our monthly meetings - held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Tall Oaks Community Center at 12298 Cotton Mill Dr, Woodbridge, VA at 7:30pm

Want to join PWAS? Go to

Have an idea for a blog post? Are you a writer and want to help with the blog? Let me know! Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment (below)! ...Remember, comments are monitored so they will not show up immediately.


Monday, September 2, 2024

Post 491: PWAS at Fall Art at the Mill 2024

PWAS at Fall Art at the Mill 2024

Several members of the Prince William Art Society are once again trekking to Milwood, Virginia for the bi-annual Art at the Mill Fall Show once again. This is a fantastic show - one of the best I have seen. It pulls from artists all over the area and beyond each spring and fall.

PWAS Members at Art at the Mill

It's that time again. Every spring and fall, the call goes out for artists to submit their art to Art at the Mill. And several Prince William Art Society artists answered the call: Sandra McClelland Lewin, Bettie Sperty, Elena Jochum, and Donna Liguria. The show will begin on Saturday, September 21 until Sunday, October 6, 2024 - 7 days a week. Sundays through Fridays 12-5pm and Saturdays 10-5pm. The Artist Reception is Sunday, September 29 from 2-5pm.

I asked how many entries they had this year and was told 1534 and juried in were 926 pieces. Let's take a look at the who has what in the show.

PWAS Member Sandra McClelland Lewin

Here's the three I have at the Mill:

Morning Coffee, acrylic, 20x16 (Sold)
Red Hybiscus, acrylic and gold metallic ink, 12x12 (Sold)
Fox in the Snow, Colored Pencil, 23x19 framed

I always enjoy taking part in the Art at the Mill show. There's a huge display of art that is awe-inspiring and they have a great reception for the artists!

PWAS Member Bettie Sperty

This is only my second time participating in the Art AT The Mill shows. When I first saw the number of artworks and the quality of every single piece, I can only say that I was blown away! (And a bit intimidated.) The Art at the Mill shows attract artists from all walks of life, all ages, from numerous regions, every medium you can imagine, and brings them together in a huge exhibit in this beautiful, historic rural setting. When you visit the show you not only get to gaze upon stunning artworks, but also get to drive and explore the areas nearby. 

When we picked up my artwork from the spring show, my husband and I spent the rest of the day exploring the area, stopping at historic markers, little shops, took winding roads and just made a day of it. It is well worth the trip to see the Mill - which is an actual working mill, to see the artwork and to experience the area. Go for it!

Row Your Boat by Bettie Sperty 20”x20”  Acrylic with iridescence

PWAS Member Elena Jochum

The first one is called “Tarp” and it’s 30”x48” acrylic on canvas. Tarp represents how not everything is what it looks like, facades can be deceiving. It’s a cautionary tale that there might be nothing underneath. I do believe it’s up to the viewer to interpret fine art, and I leave it to them to contemplate on the meaning of it as well.

The second one is “Spring Peonies” acrylic on canvas, 15.5”x19.5”. I painted it for my daughter. I bought fresh peonies and they really inspires me and filled me with joy, love, energy and spring. 


PWAS Member Donna Liguria

I'm just amazed at this art show in Milwood, VA. It has such a turn out of artists, seriously really great artists, and it sort of sits way out there in a tiny town at such a cool historic spot. A live, working mill! Who knew? These are the three pieces of mine that were accepted to be shown at this fall's show.

Spring at Merrimac Farm by Donna Liguria 16x20 Acrylic PWAS went to the Bluebell Festival back in April this year and I took LOTS of pictures, including pictures of some of the PWAS Plein Air Posse members painting pictures.
Blue Glass Vase on Table by Donna Liguria 9x12 Acrylic
Charcuterie Board by Donna Liguria 16x20 Acrylic This one makes me hungry

Art Incoming!

As the art is delivered by the artists, who have already registered on Signup Genius their delivery times, and ours was between 1 and 1:30pm on Friday, August 30, 2024, the artwork is logged into their computers and our tags are handed out. Sandra and Bettie are having their works labeled by Ann McCarty. In the meantime, emails are sent for each piece that is received. Art will be delivered on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Then other volunteers scamper off with the art and hang it on the walls. Some pieces are tagged for reserve and go upstairs. As you can see, with 926 art pieces art of every conceivable size the walls are filled, floor to ceiling. I think if a volunteer stands still long enough, he or she will end up having to hold a piece of art for the duration of the show!

Although some artwork is held in reserve, that doesn't mean it will not be seen. Art at the Mill loads ALL of the artwork online and will open a link when the show opens and many collectors will purchase directly. One thing about the Mill's art show, art is ALWAYS coming back downstairs and being put up on the walls as space opens. The show is in constant motion and movement!

The show will end up on two floors of the 4 story building. Do check out the lowest floor where the mill grinds various flours that they have for sale. The main floor will have art in every nook and cranny and then up on the second floor will be the bulk of the art. And, by golly, the day of the artist's reception is a fun day of a great spread for everyone to enjoy and to meet other artists.

This is an art show at a whole different level and well worth the drive from here in Woodbridge. It will take a little over an hour from here - and if you're up for it, a few different wineries and breweries along the way!

See also Spring Art at the Mill 2024

Author: Donna Liguria
Artistry Spin Blogmaster and an artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA, specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at, her Donna's Esty site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.

Photography/Video Credits: Donna Liguria

Local Art: The Prince William Art Society is a 50+-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia. Visit us at any of our local art shows or join us for our monthly meetings - held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Tall Oaks Community Center at 12298 Cotton Mill Dr, Woodbridge, VA at 7:30pm

Want to join PWAS? Go to

Have an idea for a blog post? Are you a writer and want to help with the blog? Let me know! Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Post 446: PWAS Represented at Art at the Mill Spring 2024

PWAS Represented at Art at the Mill Spring Show 2024

Millwood, Virginia. How about plugging 15 Tannery Lane, Millwood, Virginia into your GPS sometime during April 20 to May 5 and taking that roadtrip to go enjoy some art in a real-live-working mill? Art at the Mill is the destination that several Prince William Art Society members traveled after being accepted to show some of their art.

Spring Art at the Mill

There are several PWAS artists that made that roadtrip over the March 22-24, 2024 Drop off dates. Typically, Art at the Mill sends out a Call for Art twice a year asking for artists to submit up to 5 artworks in various mediums. Click Submit. Then the waiting begins, to see if your art was selected to show. Insert the Jeopardy music here.

Finally, the emails arrive - the "Unfortunately" in red and/or the "Congratulations!" in green. Well, we all get the Unfortunately's on occasion. But do consider this:

Art at the Mill will jury in about 1000 art pieces and about 300 artists for each show.

That is a LOT of art. I need to ask at some point how many entries they usually get. Can you imagine jurying and selecting 1000 artworks?

The Show: Art at the Mill Spring Show Saturday, April 20 through Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Artist Reception is Sunday, April 28 from 2-5pm 

As far as the Prince William Art Society artists showing at Art at the Mill, here are the ones I know about. Congratulate these artists!

Bettie Sperty

This was Bettie's first time showing at Art at the Mill.

Two Bees or Not To Be

A Mother's Love
Who Me?

Sandra McClelland Lewin

Sandra has shown at the Mill several times.

Iris Moon
Jungle Orchid

Donna Liguria

This is the third time I have entered Art at the Mill; twice in 2023 for both the Spring and Fall Shows and again for the Spring 2024 show. When I first joined PWAS in 2021 and started taking my art business more seriously, Art at the Mill was often talked about within the group in very awed tones. After seeing it, I understand that reverence now. 

It is an incredible art show in Virginia, in an awesome location, is fantastically attended and very well managed. As Bettie said recently, the quality of the artwork is so high, it is a distinct honor to even have something accepted into this show. She mentioned she saw at least 10 pieces she wanted to take home with her. I agree with her!

Here are my two entries for the Spring Art at the Mill Show 2024:

Gunston Hall Virginia Historical Home Series

Monticello Virginia Historical Home Series

Art Drop Off

Here are some pictures from Saturday, March 23, 2024. After the art is selected, the artists sign up for the day and time to drop off. They stagger the artists throughout the day which definitely helps with the traffic flow and parking lots outside. 
When you drop off art, the blue T-shirted volunteers even may come out to your car and ask if you need help with your artwork bringing it in! 
Enter the Mill and if you hear the thrashing and "machinery" sounds, a grain of some sort is being ground. Looks like cornmeal was on the menu today. You can buy various flours while you are there. We head upstairs.

The first thing the artist does is go to check in. Several volunteers check your name in and hand you the pre-made art labels for your artwork. Going to the left, you unwrap your transportation wrappings and the labels are attached. Your artwork may automatically go up in a hanging position temporarily or go to the top floor holding area. Nothing will be in the same position by the time the show actually starts but ALL of it will be available for sale on the website link that will go-live just prior to the show start. And they sell art, yes, a lot of art is sold. (Hopefully we'll be bringing less art home at the end of the show too!) Those blue T-shirts are constantly replacing art as space is made.
As soon as a purchase is made, it comes off the walls and is replaced. The buyer can take their new artwork home with them right then and there. Their Call for Art/Art at the Mill website lets you know the status of the art at all times. Even at check-in, an email is sent letting you know it was checked in. (I'll share that Spring AATM art link once it goes live.)

Yes, the art can be sold if someone sees art they love online too. I believe they call in and make the sale over the phone but artwork is NOT shipped - it must be picked up. See any art you like?

Here is one of Sandra's and one of mine that are temporarily destined for the upper most floor, for now.
The volunteers steadily fill in the walls...
I LOVED the bunnies!

We spotted a couple of Bettie's paintings, can you? As always on this blog, you can click on a photo to enlarge it. Have a look.

Yeah, I like that one too.
And that one.

Impressed yet?

And they still have another day for drop off on Sunday after these photos. This was just Friday to Saturday as Sandra and I were scheduled for a 1-1:30 drop off.

Do go downstairs at the Mill too while you are there. Lots of artifacts and antiques and get a close up look at the Mill in operation.
I am starting to recognize and getting to know more and more artists, past and present PWAS members, gallery artists, etc. and their art at the various art shows all over the Northern Virginia area. 
March 22-24, 2024 is also the Fredericksburg Fine Arts Show at the Dorothy Hart Community Center at 408 Canal Street, Fredericksburg and we recognized an art piece by Maria Briganti, a PWAS member there. Sandra and I also have art in this Fredericksburg show which is also nicely done as well.
So is a roadtrip in your future?

More Art at the Mill Blog Posts

Author: Donna Liguria
Artistry Spin Blogmaster and an artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA, specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at, her Donna's Esty site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.

Photography/Video Credits: Donna Liguria    

Local Art: The Prince William Art Society is a 50+-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia. Visit us at any of our local art shows or join us for our monthly meetings - held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Tall Oaks Community Center at 12298 Cotton Mill Dr, Woodbridge, VA at 7:30pm

Want to join PWAS? Go to

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