What's on Your Easel, PWAS?
The creative art group members nearly always have something they are working on. Occasionally several things at once too. So my often
asked question of the Prince William Art Society (PWAS) members is what
are they working on now (what's on your easel)?
I know for me, when I first started the article, all I had was a blank canvas with an idea, prior to this blog post question hitting the Inbox. Then I was able to jump in and start with some mini works along with a larger piece. For some artists, a title for their work comes after the piece starts coming together. Here are the answers
from some of the members, in various stages of progress...
Elizabeth Stathis
"The General's House" Slated for the next issue of a community magazine. Winsor & Newton cake watercolors & Micron Pen on Arches 140lb cold press watercolor block. 8" X 10"
Sue Rosenbaum
“The Currant”. It represents a frozen river that is thawing quickly with the warm early spring sun. 8 x 8 cold pressed watercolor paper with Alcohol inks and Alloy (acts a little like silver leafing) Variety of blue artists papers to represent the water.
The Lunar new year stamp represents new beginnings, the two butterflies represent transformations, the Ruth Asawa modernist sculptor stamp represents creativity!
Michael Kent
"George Gershwin" 20x16 Oil on canvas Saul Roldan
"A Life that Will Never Be" 36x48 OilOtis Stanley
Untitled currently, 16x20, currently in charcoal, Undecided about oil or acrylic Richard B. Tyler (RBT)
"Lady of The Rose Field" Medium: acrylic and watercolor paint Size: 18 x 24
Donna Liguria
Why work on only one at a time? Minis are an easy acrylic painting fill in while another work is drying..9x12 "Woodland Stream", Two 3x4 Mini cat paintings, Two 4x4 "Lavender" paintings, and one tiny Mini 3x4 painting for a friend of a North Carolina light house and her 2 little dogs.
How do you handle juggling multiple art pieces at one? Do you? Leave your comments below and FOLLOW!
Author: Donna Liguria
An artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA and Artistry Spin Blog Admin, specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at DonnaLiguriaArt.com, her Esty site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.
Local Art: Visit us at Stonebridge Open Space Arts at 15000 #140 Potomac Town Center, Woodbridge, VA - Open Wed to Sat 12-7 and Sun 12-5
The Prince William Art Society is a 52-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia.
Want to know how to get involved at OSA? If you are an artist (18 or older) living in Prince William County, or a are a member of a PWC art group, you are welcome to get on our next art show's emailing list. Send it to us, OR come by the gallery to find out more.
Want to join PWAS? Go to https://www.princewilliamartsociety.com/membership
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