Showing posts with label Art Gallery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art Gallery. Show all posts

Monday, February 3, 2025

Post 537: PWAS Wants a Gallery Space

PWAS Wants a Gallery Space

Updated as of February 18, 2025

The Prince William Art Society (PWAS) is an art group in Virginia, that began in 1971 in Prince William County. The group is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization of artists from in and all around the county. The art group meets monthly, hosts and attends art events, arranges workshops, occasionally has a field trip, has members that get together and paint outdoors, and promotes art throughout the area. There's one thing missing in their repertoire. An art gallery home.

PWAS History

PWAS has an interesting history that you can read about here. As events have happened, this post has been updated to show some major milestones. See

Post 1: About PWAS - A History of a Prince William County Art Group  

Editorial What I Would Like to See at PWAS - thoughts from some PWAS members about the future of the art group.

The Arts

One thing that PWAS has seen over the years in Prince William County is the lower emphasis in the visual arts in the area. The Arts is a huge subject much like an English muffin with LOTS of nooks and crannies.

Have a look at Britannica's description of The Arts: "...modes of expression that use skill or imagination in the creation of aesthetic objects, environments, or experiences that can be shared with others.

Traditional categories within the arts include literature (including poetry, drama, story, and so on), the visual arts (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.), the graphic arts (painting, drawing, design, and other forms expressed on flat surfaces), the plastic arts (sculpture, modeling), the decorative arts (enamelwork, furniture design, mosaic, etc.), the performing arts (theatre, dance, music), music (as composition), and architecture (often including interior design)."

It seems that more attention is put in the direction of the performing arts of music, dance and theatre in Prince William County than is placed on the visual side. Yet, on the walls in most people's homes, what do we find on our walls where we live? Artwork we love. And where do you go to find artwork created by local artists? Good question here in Woodbridge, Virginia.

The Prince William Art Society wants an art gallery. Our artist members are creating art every day that we want to share with you. We want an art space to call our own, preferably on a long-term basis. And by 'our own' I mean not only the art group, but the we the people of Prince William County.

What Makes a Great Spot for an Art Gallery?

There are various business models for art galleries such as a Nonprofit Gallery, a Commercial Gallery, Artist Cooperatives, a Pop-up Gallery, and there are Online Galleries. PWAS understands the need for their niche in a nonprofit gallery focusing on local visual artists with a target market for art buyers needing a supply of art sources in Prince William County.

Art Audience - will include individuals and tourists, art collectors and investors, designers and architects, schools and educational institutions, corporate entities and hospitals looking for art decor, and the possibility of businesses searching for beautiful spaces for their corporate events. 

  • How about going for a walk with a date and visiting an art gallery?
  • What about having an art event for your business with great art set as your background?

Location - an art gallery is a building to house the art within, to the extent and degree of all The Arts that it can hold and the administrators of that space can manage under one roof. There is a question of a free standing space 'out somewhere' as opposed to a space with a lot of visibility within or near other businesses. We live here in Northern Virginia - where all real estate is expensive.There could be pros and cons with any space or building, but find it we must. A compromise of some sort is more than likely where we will end up.

  • Might the location consider allowances for a 501(c)3 non-profit organization?
  • Will the location be a temporary popup art show space for a set limited time?
  • Can the art group negotiate a permanent location as an art gallery?
  • Does the location have room for growth? 
  • Can a building fund be engaged for a gallery?

Access and Exposure - ease of getting in and out of the area is a consideration as well as if you can see it from the road or main traffic areas.

Parking - the availability of having space to park plenty of vehicles is needed for a good gallery space to hold art receptions and events, meetings, have classes and workshops, have the possibility to be multi functional, so that artists and art lovers have plenty of parking.

Foot Traffic - ideally, having pedestrians walking around to shop, go out to eat, and just do all the things that draw people to a location helps a gallery to promote itself.

Growth - having an art space that can grow and expand with the artistic needs of the art group and the county would be an amazing thing. Being able to host annual art competitions, evolving art exhibits and more creatives, well you know creative people see beyond limitations.

The Prince William Art Society wants enough space for growth to:

  • Hang monthly art shows, and even overlapping art shows and competitions as well as large exhibits and mixed media.
  • Give art classes, workshops, and demos - if not daily, at least weekly with decent class sizes. 
  • Have art merchandise for sale along with the art on the walls, maybe even art supplies for recycling.
  • Hold art meetings, have space for rental purposes for other organizations.
  • Hold art receptions, meet the artists, and other activities for the public or private groups. 
  • Schedule visits from local student group field trips to tour our gallery space and more.
  • Storage space for PWAS art equipment for shows like our gridwalls, tents, etc.
  • This list can grow too!

What Can You Do to Help PWAS Find a Home?

One thing that you can do while traveling, shopping, visiting, and wandering around Prince William County is keep your eyes open. As a PWAS member, we ask that you let the PWAS Board know if you see a building or a space for lease or rent. Please do this:

  • Take pictures (of the front, the area)
  • Get the phone number!
  • Get the address, shopping center, location!
  • Get the leasing agent name, company (snap a pic of the signage)

If you are able to actually look in the windows, describe what you see. Although art galleries need walls to hang said art, depending on the space, there are ways to create temporary walls that may work as an alternative to lots of windows, small rooms, or other challenges.

Alternatively, if you know someone who knows someone that knows someplace, let us know.

Send the information to the PWAS Admin and they will take the info from there and do the work of making contact and exploring the potential spot.

For Further Reading:

Let us know what you think and please, let us know if you see a potential spot!

AND join us if you want to help make the arts even more visible right here where we live!

Author: Donna Liguria
Artistry Spin Blogmaster and an artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA, specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at, her Donna's Esty site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.

Local Art: The Prince William Art Society is a 50+-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia. Visit us at any of our local art shows or join us for our monthly meetings - held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Tall Oaks Community Center at 12298 Cotton Mill Dr, Woodbridge, VA at 7:30pm

Want to join PWAS? Go to

Have an idea for a blog post? Are you a writer and want to help with the blog? Let me know! Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment (below)! ...Remember, comments are monitored so they will not show up immediately.


Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Post 428: The Art of Artist Etiquette

The Art of Artist Etiquette

There comes a time when an artist must understand the Art of Artist Etiquette while in a gallery, at an art event, or getting their art to or from an event. Artists have a responsibility to be on time and always be professional - to the gallery, art group, art show, and to their fellow artists to know and show good manners. That is what it all comes down to, right?

Art Do's and Art Do Nots, and No, You Di'int

There are do's and do nots for everything, I suppose. As they say, people are people are people...and artists are artists are artists that are people. Occasionally artists are very different people, but that could be another blog post. I look at that as we are all human; people are gonna do what people are gonna do; we all make mistakes - but we can all learn from our mistakes. 

I am going to hash out some of the often nonspoken, Artist Etiquette here (and hopefully in a mildly humorously way) because on occasion, we all forget the unwritten rules, including me. You may not feel like you should have to say some of these, but yeah, you do.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash 

Check and Recheck Your Art for the Show

Make sure your art is hung the way the show expects it to be hung. The Calls for Art sends or has guidelines, and those are very important. While checking in art at various shows over time, I do believe we've seen it all. 

  • No wire? How are we supposed to hang it? We aren't setting it on the floor.
  • No, it is not up to the show people to wire it for you. Seriously.
  • Didn't create a label or sign your artwork? That's on you, you mysterious artist, you. I wonder who will get the check if it sells?
  • Forgot your inventory list or other expected documents? Oops, get to writing.
  • Didn't finish the edges? I guess someone missed reading the directions. 
  • Be very aware of copyright infringement. <- That's a very serious and important one folks.

Art Pickup and Art Drop Off

When the dates are set for art pickup and drop off, the show will send those dates and times out along with a reminder just prior to them. It is up to the artist to abide by those dates and times, mark their calendars, create an alert or to contact a friend or family member to help them if they cannot do that date or time PRIOR to the schedule. Most venues typically suggest that if the artist has no one else to handle the incoming or outgoing art and to sign in or out that art, to let the volunteers that are handling the event know - or contact one of your fellow artists and make arrangements with them PRIOR to that date.

  • Most galleries and art groups state in their documents that if a time or day do not work for you, to contact them in advance and they would be happy to accomodate you.

When artwork is juried into a show - especially with limited space - the coordinators for that show are EXPECTING your work to be there, possibly even having measured a layout for your art to fit a space. If the venue knows they can only accept X amount of art and yours was selected to show, and you don't show have potentially blocked someone else from being in that show.

If you have a change of mind about showing, let the coordinators know PRIOR to the event. Someone may already have created labels or other expectations in your art's acceptance.

  • Several times, I've been on hanging committees and we started or had the art pretty far along (OR have left for the day) in the hanging process and an artist shows up to drop off art HOURS after the deadline. Not cool. Not acceptable.

Volunteers are often helping to coordinate the art on display and they are doing this FOR the art group, art venue, and each every artist in that show. Even more often, they do not get paid for the time and effort they are putting in. From email announcements, blog posts, website updates, Facebook posts, creating art labels, to using their vehicles to drive to the space, spending HOURS at the space, and on and on - so the expectation is that our fellow artists to have the decency to cooperate with set times and dates - no matter where you are potentially showing your art.

Artists must remember that it is not the gallery or the showing space's responsibility to store your artwork after the show (there may not even be space for it), nor is it the responsibility of the volunteers that are spending their time and effort to handle your art any more than they are already volunteering time to hang or take down your art. We have lives the same as you.

  • Besides, that monster canvas of yours will not fit in my car or in my house!

There is also a consideration of "abandoned art" if art is left for a period of time and not picked up. I've seen this one happen where MONTHS went by without hearing from the artist. The gallery or group can just sell or donate art at a certain point, with no regard of a cut to the artist. The other part of this is your art could potentially be ruined when its abandoned because of someone having to shove the abandoned art in a corner somewhere. And don't expect the venue to wrap it up for you.

It is about respect - for yourself, your work, and your fellow artists.

At an Exhibit, Art Reception or Art Show

  • If you know an art exhibit coming up and one of your fellow artists would be a great fit for it, share the knowledge. 
  • It is not a competition, even if it is a competition. What I mean is that you aren't competing with other artists even though a juror may be judging a specific art show and handing out ribbons or cash prizes. That part is out of your hands really. Just as someone may purchase one painting of the Washington Monument but not the one you did. Your job is to create YOUR art, the best it can be, and presenting it correctly.
  • Think about it, if you are in an echo-y gallery, maybe at an art reception and someone is talking loudly or negatively about a piece of art - or even about YOUR art. Gasp!! Not cool. But you stay cool. And the loud speaker needs to tone it down some notches. This is the place to use your "indoor voice" and be respectful of everyone's art.
  • If it isn't your event, you shouldn't be promoting your stuff.
  • Divas are a pain in everyone's butt. It usually is not all about YOU, especially if you're in a group's art show - or even if it is your solo show. 
  • Know if the gallery allows nudes, political, or controversial" art or not. It might be very well done art, but family friendly isn't expecting their child to see it all hanging out there.
  • It is always a good idea to ASK before taking photos at an event (unless you are the photographer for the event).
  • Make sure access ways are not blocked by you or your fan club, I mean, the people that are talking to you. This is something you see happen at group art shows when multiple artists are showing in a tent, and someone is blocking the aisle to get through. Which means that a fellow artist's work was prevented from being seen. (Insert here, "STAY OUT OF THE TENT!")
  • Sold something, AWESOME! Well, I certainly hope you know that the gallery or show venue is taking their cut first before they send you the check. KNOW what the venue's cut is too! Most of the galleries around Northern Virginia that I have seen take 25% to 35% of the sale, but it CAN be higher. As they say, know before you go and I hope you priced it accordingly. Also, understand the time frame of when checks are sent out as it is usually in writing somewhere.
  • I've had and seen this happen: I'm speaking to someone that is asking ME about my art, and another artist nearby hears a keyword and butts in and says, "I've got some artwork with that!" And leads my potential client/fan away to show that piece. Grrrrr.....I did consider biting the artist's ankle.
  • Learn, grow, get a book, take a class - never stop learning, especially when it comes to art basics and fundamentals. Correct Proportions in art work is a pet peeve...unless its done intentionally.
  • Keep your pricing consistent offline and online.
  • There is no space for negativity or self-doubt about your own art. Don't talk your own artwork down. Be proud, be bold.
  • If you say you are going to do something, DO IT.
  • If you join an art group, actually BE a part of the art group. Join a committee. Be active. You'll be in the KNOW and be able to help others when they have questions. The rewards are worth it.
  • Dress appropriately for the venue and occasion.
  • Do be professional, that is paramount.
Do you have other ideas for the Art of Artist Etiquette or stories to add? Drop a comment below. 

For further reading:

Art Need to Know Etiquette Posts

Email Etiquette and Organizing - There are definitely do's and don'ts when it comes to email! Everyone needs to learn the proper use of emails.

Artist Etiquette - Art show do's and don'ts, pickup and drop off and more.

Not Necessarily Art Notes, but... - Art Etiquette for emails, art shows, volunteering and more.

Lessons Learned at an Outdoor Art Show Exhibit - Some great advice and what was learned while at an art show. A good read for BEFORE you go to a show.

Author: Donna Liguria
Artistry Spin Blogmaster and an artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA, specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at, her Donna's Esty site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.

Local Art: The Prince William Art Society is a 50+-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia. Visit us at any of our local art shows or join us for our monthly meetings - held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Tall Oaks Community Center at 12298 Cotton Mill Dr, Woodbridge, VA at 7:30pm

Want to join PWAS? Go to

Have an idea for a blog post? Are you a writer and want to help with the blog? Let me know! Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Post 387: People's Choice Winners of For Those That Serve

People's Choice Winners

Everyone wants to know whose artwork was selected as first, second and third at Open Space Arts, right? Visitors come to the gallery and enjoy all of the local artists on display, and vote their favorite artworks and we announce them here for all the world to see.

For Those That Serve

These are the final days of the art show at Open Space Arts (OSA) at Stonebridge, as the "For Those That Serve" show closes Sunday, August 20, 2023. Before we show the winners, lets see a few pictures from around the gallery...

Art prints are available from many of the artists, and visitors enjoy supporting the artists of Prince William County - whether purchasing as a print or the original artwork.
So many things to see at OSA - from fine art, jewelry, and more

And meet the artists that man, or woman the gallery, as volunteers. Say hello to Evelyn when you see her!

Original artwork and handmade gifts are great ways to not only support the arts and decorate your own homes, but also are interesting ways to gift your friends and family and those that are "hard to buy for".

Have you been to the gallery lately? The art shows change out approximately monthly, so the art is always changing and varied.

 Well, I suppose I should show you the People's Choice Winners of the ribbons for this month. Drum roll please...

In third place, the people chose PWAS member Sandra McClelland Lewin's "In Memory of"

In second place, the people voted and selected, PWAS member Donna Liguria's (me!! Wooohooo, go me! - ok settle down...) "Washington Monument Cherry Blossoms"
And in first place, Mandy Powell's painting "Last Salute" was chosen as the Open Space Arts gallery visitor's favorite artwork.

Congratulations to everyone!

Pride Show People's Choice Winners

As many of us do in these summer-time months, we head out for vacations, and I did too. I don't have the pictures and the order of the winning People's Choice winners for the Pride show that ran between June and July 2023. 

If anyone has the first, second and third place winners, please update in the comments below.

Strut Your Stuff Art Show

Beginning on Wednesday, August 23 and running until Sunday, September 17, 2023 is an art show for Prince William County artists called "Strut Your Stuff". Well, knowing that artists LOVE showing off their art - we hope that you will come and see what we've worked on for you to see! AND we hope you come out to the Artist Reception on September 15 at 6:00.

See you at the show - the gallery is free to visit - Congratulate the winners - and Support the Arts!

Author: Donna Liguria
An artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA and Artistry Spin Blog Admin, specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at, Donna's Etsy site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.

Photography/Video Credits:
Donna Liguria

Local Art: The Prince William Art Society is a 52-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia.

Want to join PWAS? Go to

Have an idea for a blog post? Are you a writer and want to help with the blog? Let me know! Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!

Monday, July 10, 2023

Post 370: See Some Art, Meet the Artists at Open Space Arts

See Some Art, Meet the Artists at Open Space Arts

At Open Space Arts, the artists showing at the gallery volunteer their time to have the gallery open and greet the guests. The gallery is found at 15000 #140 Potomac Town Center, Woodbridge, VA - just up from Wegmans. It is located right next to Ulta, with The Loft on the other side with DSW right across the street. The gallery is open Wednesday to Saturday 12 to 7pm and Sunday 12 to 5pm. Many Fridays and Saturdays, visitors may find the gallery open until 9pm.

An Art Gallery in Woodbridge, VA

Often, an artist brings their art supplies with them - which could be a canvas and some paints, a sketch pad and pencils, their watercolors or their laptop or iPad for digital art. By all means, visitors are very welcome into the gallery, it is absolutely free to view the art on display - and talk to the artists that are creating their next masterpieces.

Photo by Otis Stanley

Photo by Otis Stanley, Friday, July 7, 2023 - Tom Payne, Kyran McCann, Leah Boynton, and Evelyn Chatters 
Photo by Donna Liguria, May 2022 - Kelly Haneklau 
Photo by Donna Liguria, June 2022 "Emerging Artists" show - Stephanie McGhee
Photo by Donna Liguria, June 2022 Emerging Artists show
Photo by Donna Liguria, January "After the Masters" show

The artists will tell you about the current show, they can share with you when the next show is and any upcoming events. Many visitors ask how they can show their art at the gallery. The answer to that is 2 fold...because all of the art is juried in. This means that art is selected to appear when a call for art goes out (and it is FREE to submit your art). All artists are welcome to apply, that are 18 or older AND:

1. Live in Prince William County OR

2. OR, They are a member of a Prince William County art group or photography group

The gallery is to promote the art and artists of PWC, but if you are a part of a PWC art group, you are eligible as well. Now, you must be on our email list to get the call for art. You can do that through the Prince William Art Society (PWAS) website at Calls for Art page

Also available on the PWAS website are the upcoming art shows at Open Space Arts and there is a list found on the PWAS Artistry Spin Blog (web view) on the right side navigation at

Available on is the Open Space Arts Calendar.

The Prince William Art Society manages the gallery (fine art) portion of Open Space Arts (OSA), and if you are interested in joining our art group, please see

The only exception to the "must be 18 or older" rule to show your art is for the annual "Emerging Artists" art shows held in April 2024. The OSA committee typically work with the schools and art teachers to prepare for this show, and there is a lot the student artists need to learn and do to prepare.

One of the best times to come to the gallery is the opening receptions. They are usually held on the Friday evening of the week that a show opening starts. There are often a lot of the artists at the opening reception - and some food nibbles too. We've had some really awesome art receptions!

So come by Open Space Arts and meet the artists, enjoy the show on display and you can usually vote for your favorite art piece. If you're an artist too, well, you can get involved as well! See you there!

Author: Donna Liguria
An artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA and Artistry Spin Blog Admin, specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at, Donna's Etsy site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.

Photography/Video Credits:
Otis Stanley and Donna Liguria

Local Art: Visit us at Stonebridge Open Space Arts at 15000 #140 Potomac Town Center, Woodbridge, VA - Open Wed to Sat 12-7 and Sun 12-5
The Prince William Art Society is a 52-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia.

Want to know how to get involved at OSA? If you are an artist (18 or older) living in Prince William County, or a are a member of a PWC art group, you are welcome to get on our next art show's emailing list. Send it to us, OR come by the gallery to find out more.

Want to join PWAS? Go to

Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!

Monday, February 6, 2023

Post 293: Miss the Party?

Miss the Party?

Friday, February 3, 2023 Did you miss the party? We recently had an artist reception for the "African American Voices and Visions" art show at Open Space Arts at Stonebridge. If you missed it, you missed a great one! Art receptions have a good many benefits - from promoting art to the whole community, a bit of networking, getting to know the artists, to just plain fun! The benefits to the artists, especially newer artists, can be invaluable as well.

Meet Artists at the Show

Browsing the art at an art reception, especially with the presence of the artist(s) that created it is an excellent way for the visitor as well as the artist, to share what the art piece is - what they both see and feel about the art. The artist can share why they created it and what they feel it represents. He or she can share the story 'behind the art' which can give the viewer a better introspect about the piece. The visitor can express how they see it as well, which could be very nice feedback for the artist too.

I'm going to take the opportunity to share the benefits of being at the art reception here along with pictures of this party of Friday, February 2023.

The Artists with Their Art

Let's introduce the artists in attendance...

Penny Shaw

Donna Liguria

Anna Gatling

Michelle Baker

Susan Furr

Tom Payne

Michael Kent
Brenda Vann

Otis Stanley
Fatima Farzana
John Holden 

For the Guests: You don't have to know the artists, but you can meet them. If you see artwork you like, see if the artist is there and tell them! Understand that they may get called off to meet others though, as often happens, so their time needs to be spread around the gallery.

It would be nice if a piece of art had a button you could press and the storyteller (the artist) would tell you about what you are looking at. Alas, you are more often left to interpret the meaning of the piece on your own unless the artist happens to be nearby. Which can happen at an artist reception!

For the Artist: Art receptions can help build confidence for the artist, not only in speaking about their art and getting in all the picture taking (thus promotional materials), but the hobnobbing with the art community in attendance at large. It is good practice for an artist (especially shy ones) to get out there and learn how to talk about their art.

Now, on with the Show... 

Celebrating "African American Voices and Visions" this February, Open Space Arts is featuring 24 artists this month, in a variety of mediums and styles. 

Photo Courtesy Michelle Baker - Front Window Display

Enjoy all of the Artistic Entertainments

Go to an art reception, whether as a visitor or if you are an artist! You will often experience live music, food and beverage, poetry or a literary reading and/or more.

  • Unless otherwise stated, when the art reception says "open to the public", that means everyone is welcome to attend.
  • There is not an art gallery "dress code". We have visitors strolling in that just went out to eat and stop in. Or they are shopping and stopping. You can dress nicely and comfortably but there isn't any requirement on dress, other than that you are.
  • Date night? Why not walk the gallery?
  • You can stay as long as you like - enjoy the food, drink available - but don't do the too much route (especially if there is alcohol!).
  • You are NOT obligated to buy art or art prints. Of course, the artist(s) are happy if you do, but the Open Space Art artist receptions are free (as most art receptions are).
Photo Courtesy Evelyn Chatters

Photo Courtesy Evelyn Chatters

Photo Courtesy Evelyn Chatters
Photo Courtesy Evelyn Chatters

Photo Courtesy Evelyn Chatters
Photo Courtesy Evelyn Chatters
Photo Courtesy Evelyn Chatters - We did say there was food!
Photo Courtesy Evelyn Chatters
Photo Courtesy Evelyn Chatters

Photo Courtesy Michelle Baker

Photo Courtesy Michelle Baker

Photo Courtesy Michelle Baker

Photo Courtesy Michelle Baker

Photo Courtesy Michelle Baker

Photo Courtesy Michelle Baker

Photo Courtesy Michelle Baker

Photo Courtesy Michelle Baker

Photo Courtesy Michelle Baker

Photo Courtesy Michelle Baker

Photo Courtesy Michelle Baker
Photo Courtesy Evelyn Chatters
Photo Courtesy Evelyn Chatters

Other Artist and Gallery Note Ideas:

  • Have a guest book - for guests to sign (think email list too)
  • Have name tags - especially for the artists 
  • Introduce the artists! Find a way to have your artists stand out.
  • Welcome visitors at the door and hand out brochures, name tags, or artist/gallery/upcoming events, promo materials at the door. Gift bag them!
  • Artists: Have your business cards on you - just in case
  • Have noticeable gallery "help" persons so that guests know who to go to if they are interested in art purchasing or more info.
  • Have less expensive art and art prints available for 'cash and carry' pieces, so that anyone can support the artists!
  • Got easels? Of course you do! Strategically place and promote - anything. Even if its the next art reception/show.
  • Children's art table - something to keep the youngsters busy during the event.
  • Be Photo ready - remember that although typically taking photos of the art itself is often discouraged, at an art reception, there are photographers taking photos of everyone for publicity and social media and of course, Artistry Spin. YOU, the artist are on display, from all angles as well!

The beauty of an art show reception is that the space is already decorated with great art in the background! Picture what other events could use a space like Open Space Arts.

A BIG thank you to all that did ALL of the work in having such an AWESOME artist reception! Great job!

And if you 'Missed the Party', we'll see you at the next one!

Author: Donna Liguria
An artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at & her Blog at

Photography/Video Credits: 
Donna Liguria, Michelle Baker, Evelyn Chatters

Local Art: Visit us at Stonebridge Open Space Arts at 15000 Potomac Town Center, Woodbridge, VA - Open Wed to Sat 12-7 and Sun 12-5
The Prince William Art Society is a 50-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia.

Want to know how to get involved at OSA? If you are an artist (18 or older) living in Prince William County, or a are a member of a PWC art group, you are welcome to get on our next art show's emailing list. Send it to us, OR come by the gallery to find out more.

Want to join PWAS? Go to

Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!