About Comments and Blog Guidelines
Published: August 29, 2021 Updated: March 1, 2025
Comments to posts on the PWAS Artistry Spin Blog (we call the Spin) will not appear immediately, they are monitored and comments are subject to approval (Posted) or disapproval (Deleted). We DO get spam comments occasionally so your don't have to post the same comment 2-3 times.
PWAS Members are encouraged to comment too!! A GMail Account isn't necessary, but it does help for a signature on your comment. A lot of people post anonymously, ok...but we don't know who we are responding to. If nothing else, add a first name or initials in your comment. Occasionally, the blog comments can take hours or the next day to appear for the Blog Admin, so be patient if you don't see your comment right away. Anonymous or Unknown comments: We appreciate comments that have your name included. We love good discussion, feedback, ideas and questions. If you do not include your name in the comment, you may run the risk of having your comment not approved. If you are going to comment anonymously, in a controversial way, the comment is left to the Admin's approval or disapproval. Also note that comments cannot be edited in any way. If you need to "edit" your comment, contact the Admin and if necessary and if its available, I could copy and paste the comment back to you to repost. I do encourage members to reply to comments (yes, you can!) especially if the blog post is about YOU!! |
This Blog is our member “living space”. If a member or admin finds a comment in any way threatening or offensive, it will be deleted. If you would NOT say (or in this case, type) this to our faces in person or in our own living room, then do not write it as a comment. Alternatively, if you would not say it to your grandmother, do not type it here. Thus, this is a standard procedure that will be strictly adhered to.
If you happen to duplicate a post, the Admin will delete one of them.
The Spin Blog aims to journal about art topics in any and every form
as it relates to our PWAS group, Members and
Membership. We will offer opinions on art products and how to use them. The Spin will cover our art shows, events, meetings, where we hang our art and how we hang it and include images and videos to help tell our story. We will post our art unabashedly and proudly.
Our target audiences Includes anyone that wants to view and perhaps purchase art they love, artists that want to learn more about, topics they are interested in, and current and future PWAS members in learning more about PWAS and viewing and recording the ongoing historical data about PWAS.
We welcome relevant discussions and comments from anyone (at this time). The sharing of thoughts, tips and ideas expands everyone’s knowledge.
Comments will ALWAYS need to be about that post’s specific topic, should be helpful, informative and again, always polite and respectful.
The Spin is not the place to debate the author’s post advice,
opinion, thoughts, etc. If you have that much to say, write your own blog - many of them are free so start your own and fuss all you want to there. Our comment area isn't.
We do appreciate the comments to specific blog posts but remember
to use the proper “Contact Us” forms and links for the best route in order to
ask questions about membership opportunities. All members have jobs and lives
outside of this blog so time sensitive questions should be routed
appropriately. We intend to have links to FAQs and other PWAS information so
use the intended contact methods or see if your question is answered in the FAQs first.
Privacy concerns are paramount as are the private lives of all PWAS members. If the PWAS member has a public link online, we share only what that member has allowed.
When referencing something on another site, proper attribution and a link should be provided – it does help to validate the comment and is the right thing to do.
The Flip Side - Responding to Comments
If you are a Blog Post Author and the article is YOURS, or about YOU, and someone responds, it is always a good idea to respond to the comments you receive, even if its a simple thank you. But what an opportunity to also engage others and tell them more about what your article is about!
Side Note:
If you are having trouble posting your comment, try another browser. I have seen it work in Mozilla but not in Chrome. Or vice-versa, and you could try Internet Explorer as well. Do a Google search on "why can't I comment on Blogger" for some insight. (I know, pain in the caboose.)
Choose How to Post
When posting a comment, this is the view using the Mozilla Browser, when I am logged in as the Blog Admin. I can post as the Spin, as Anonymous or use my real name and include my art website. Post as your real name and whichever links works for you as an artist, is the preferred way to post. See above in the green box about posting Anonymously or as "Unknown". Check your spelling, because it cannot be edited after posting - by you or I.
Delete That!
Remember, we can only delete a comment, we cannot edit it on this platform. Polite conversation is required at all times.
- Spam will not be tolerated. Suspected spammers will be deleted.
- Dropping a link in a comment without commentary is not a discussion. Deleted.
- Begging for link backs will not be tolerated.
We are not link swappers. Deleted.
- Reviewing your artwork is not what this blog
is about. We are not art critics. We'll ignore the comment and Delete if you persist.
- Off topic comments are not allowed. Deleted.
These Comment Policies will be updated as needed at any time.
PWAS Blogging Guidelines
About Blogging
What is a blog?
A blog is an online journal displaying information in reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first, at the top. The platform can have an individual writer or a group of writers / authors, that share their views, on a subject.
Can a blog earn money?
Yes. Advertising, affiliate programs and other opportunities
are available as well as visibility and potential customers to brick and mortar
and online sales. Over time we hope to look into this more.
What is the purpose of this blog?
The PWAS blog is intended for several reasons and several audiences:
- To drive more traffic to our PWAS websites.
- To drive foot traffic to our PWAS art shows, meetings, events.
- To increase visibility and outreach to any of our Events.
- To increase memberships.
- To offer information to other artists (non-members).
- To offer Art to our communities and to the world at large
- To increase knowledge and answer questions of PWAS members and potential members.
- To feature any and all PWAS members and their artwork in various ways and as they are comfortable with sharing.
- This blog is for art customers, art fans and other artists, and for you. Ultimately, the blog is for you, the members.
PWAS Members
The PWAS members are encouraged and enthusiastically so, to help with Blog ideas, stories, articles, photos, blurbs and suggestions. A topic may be emailed to the membership with a time frame to help build a blog post and your participation is encouraged but not required. There will be a “deadline” for the topic answers that will be strictly adhered to.
Example Email: The Art Topic might be “In your opinion, what is your BEST single work you have ever created? It can be sold or not.” The deadline might be set 2 weeks from email sent. The requirements may include ONE picture of the work, your name (maybe a picture of you), the title, the medium, the size, the “WHY?” in a single sentence or blurb…in that exact format. To gather all info and write the post, several days to a week may pass before the post is published. Many entries may make for a long post which -can- be broken into smaller parts to be posted later. In the Subject Line of your email include: ART TOPIC:, SUGGESTION:, or other relevant subject title to easily identify your response.
Be aware that the Social Media members are building a schedule of tailored posts with tons of ideas in place already, but some new ideas may be filed for use at a later date too.
Rather than sending suggestions piece-meal, help us all out by building a list (of suggestions) for email and do not be offended if a suggestion or idea, snippet or note is not posted right away. It could already be on our list, or it could be tweaked for output in another form or input into a blog post with other members.
Just as a blog should be updated regularly, an important part of a blog and being online is spreading the word. Online, you spread the word by posting and sharing the link, commenting, liking, pinning, tagging etc. We intend to use any and all social media opportunities as possible and you are encouraged to do so as well. True, the learning curve may be there, but the curve can be learned.
The Call to Action for the PWAS Members is to SHARE, SHARE, SHARE online. The more people that share, like and comment – the more people that see it. The more potential of new members, new visitors, more sales of YOUR artwork. LINK to the Artistry Spin Blog from YOUR websites too!
PWAS Admins and Writers
The PWAS blog is not meant to necessarily promote the “me”. A writer may have an opinion or a review on a topic, but the article or blurb post is not to self-promote. It is about the “we” or the “featured artist”, shows, galleries, etc.
It is the Blog Admin’s intention to create template blog post forms that can be adjusted as needed by other Admins or assigned writers. Secondary admins and/or writers should NOT alter the blog’s settings, layout, themes, pages and / or posts. Templates are to help keep fonts, colors, sizing, styles, paragraphs etc. consistent throughout.
Proof reading and correcting is an important part of
pre-posting or before Publishing, which means it is then live. Posts can be in
Draft mode and should be “SAVED”, not Published until it is ready for go-live. Even after Publishing, go to the live post and review if any further tweaking is needed.
Blog Principles and Etiquette
I recently found a blog that covered these principles extensively. It is a very good read and I urge you to check it out. See https://makingamark.blogspot.com/2008/02/notes-on-blogging-etiquette-for-artists.html
Author: Donna Liguria
An artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA and Artistry Spin Blog Admin, specializing in acrylic
painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects.
Visit her Website at DonnaLiguriaArt.com, Donna's Etsy site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.
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