How to Share a PWAS Blog Post on Twitter
Not everyone is computer savvy, understood. For those leary of being on Social Media, I urge you to and hope to help you understand how to be and how it can help all of us with PWAS in the long run.
Sharing on Social Media
In my opinion as a PWAS Member, I feel like it is MY duty to help promote PWAS in every way I can. Not only does it help ME to be seen, but it helps ALL of us to be seen. It is that important and part of promoting ourselves and "where our ART is" 💓- whether you have art hanging at Clearbrook Center of the Arts or at any of our art events like Arts Alive, Tall Oaks, Occoquan - wherever.
It is sort of like having a brochure about our ART and handing it out to each person in a crowd.
Sharing is Caring
Posting or Sharing a Blog Post to Facebook is slightly more straightforward than posting on Twitter. In my screenshots here, I will be Sharing to Twitter to show you the steps to take.
the bottom of each Blog Post there are Social Media share links - to
Mail, to a Blog, to Twitter, to Facebook, and to Pinterest (in the screenshot above).
Click on the Twitter Share image and the Blog Post will display on the Twitter account you are logged into (see above). Notice that the Title of the Post and the Link to it are carried over in the Tweet.
Notice also that there is no image included when you Share to Twitter (above). Facebook will carry the first image in the blog over to Share, but Twitter does not.
Click "Add Image" to add and display what the Blog Post is about (it is best in the very visual Social Media world to ALWAYS include an image or video). And we can also add several images if desired.
Notice the Character Counter. We can add additional information after the Blog Post Link like hashtags: #PWAS #OccoquanArtShow etc, additional links, emojis - all within the Character Counter space allowed for each Tweet.
This is the additional information that was added for this particular Share to Twitter (above). Notice the Character Counter at the bottom with 6 characters to go for this Tweet.
When I have everything I want to say about the post ready, then I can click the blue "Tweet" button on the bottom right.
Ta-DA! Our PWAS Blog Post is now posted on Twitter live and ready to be Liked, Retweeted, and Commented on (above).
While logged into Twitter as PWAS, I can also Like, Retweet or Quote Tweet and Comment on my own post too.
I also use another browser while logged into my own personal Twitter account and I will Like, Retweet, etc the PWAS post from that account too, which gives the PWAS Tweet a longer life (more chances to be seen). You can do the same thing if you have a Twitter account. Or a Facebook, Pinterest, or Blog account for that matter.
Disclaimer: In
a way, this post is an opinion piece, a tongue-in-cheek
look at Sharing on Social Media and taken with the spirit in which it is
intended. If a PWAS member needs help on Social Media, just ASK!
Local Art: Visit us at Clearbrook Center of the Arts at Tackett's Mill in Lake Ridge, VA on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to 4 – it’s free to see the artwork! Want to join PWAS? Go to
Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!
Author: Donna Liguria
An artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Blog at
Photography/Video Credits:
Screenshots by Donna Liguria