Saturday, March 4, 2023

Post 307: Meet Open Space Arts Artists and Art!

Meet Open Space Arts Artists and Art!

Friday, March 3, 2023 - Open Space Arts (OSA), the opening reception was held on a chilly, rainy evening, yet it was attended very well. The art show is called "Page Turning Images Found in Women's Literature" and is open from March 1 to March 26, 2023. There are 29 Prince William County artists with their artwork on display at the gallery, found at 15000 #140 Potomac Town Center, Woodbridge, VA between Ulta and The Loft.

OSA Art Receptions to Meet Local Talent

The Prince William County Arts Council is a sponsor of Open Space Arts to help promote ALL of the arts in Prince William County. The Prince William Art Society (PWAS) is a group of artists in the county that manages the OSA staff of volunteers, the art shows for LOCAL PWC artists, jurying process, art receptions, and art hanging.

Art receptions are tentatively held monthly, typically around the art show opening and thus far, open to the public (free). Often, beverages and snacks/refreshments are offered, and the entertainment will vary. We have had singers, dancers, live music, poetry, readings, and more. Any private receptions or parties will be noted at the door.

Alice Mergler, PWCAC Board Chair
Local authors +

PWC Artists on and off the Walls

The current art show for March 2023 features 29 artists and MANY of them were in attendance at the reception. I know I did not capture all of them here, so send me a picture of you with your art if you were there and I didn't include you!

Akon Otoyo (PWAS Member)

Ana Quispe (PWAS President 2021-2023)

Brenda Vann (PWAS Member)

Donna Liguria (PWAS Artistry Spin Blog 2021-2023)
Evelyn Chatters, PWAS Secretary (2022-2023)
Fatima Farzana (PWAS Member)
Helen Burroughs (PWAS Member)
Ivonne Sokol

Jesmin Rashid (PWAS Member)

Kelly Haneklau (PWAS Member)
Ken Meardon (PWAS Member)
Larry Burch (PWAS Webmaster 2023)
Leah B (PWAS SignupGenius)

Michael Kent (PWAS Member)

Michelle Baker (PWAS Member)
Otis Stanley (PWAS Member)
Richard Tyler (PWAS Member)

Sandra McClelland Lewin (PWAS Member)

Saul Roldan (PWAS Member)

Susan Furr (PWAS Member)

A lot of work goes into each and every art show each month. From the OSA Committee members, the OSA Reception Committee, PWAS, the artists, the authors (or other entertainment provided) and the many local restaurants and business donations.
A big THANK YOU to Bar Louie, Starbucks, and Nando's PERI PERI 
And special thanks this month...
OSA Art Reception Team/Helpers (L-R) Susan Furr, Michelle Baker, Fatima Farzana, and Evelyn Chatters. Volunteers to help are always welcome!
And thanks to all they do: Tony Muller, Mark Murphy, Otis Stanley, Penny Shaw and Herb Williams

See the side navigation of this blog for the upcoming art receptions and art shows at Open Space Arts. And don't miss the next one! An art gallery (and especially with an art reception) makes for a great evening out with a friend and with family while taking in and supporting the art in Prince William County.
Emerging Artists in PWC is the next Call for Art out NOW for artists aged 15-25. Contact for more info - the deadline for entries is March 15, 2023.

Author: Donna Liguria
An artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at, her Esty site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.

Photography/Video Credits: 
Donna Liguria, Evelyn Chatters, Michelle Baker, Kelly Haneklau, Otis Stanley

Local Art: Visit us at Stonebridge Open Space Arts at 15000 #140 Potomac Town Center, Woodbridge, VA - Open Wed to Sat 12-7 and Sun 12-5
The Prince William Art Society is a 52-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia.

Want to know how to get involved at OSA? If you are an artist (18 or older) living in Prince William County, or a are a member of a PWC art group, you are welcome to get on our next art show's emailing list. Send it to us, OR come by the gallery to find out more.

Want to join PWAS? Go to

Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Post 306: Page Turning Images Found in Women's Literature at Open Space Arts

Page Turning Images Found in Women's Literature at Open Space Arts

Wednesday, March 1, 2023 Open Space Arts at Stonebridge opened a new art show for March - Women's month. The name is on the front window, "Page Turning Images Found in Women's Literature. There are a LOT of activities sprinkled around the gallery all month including women authors speaking on various subjects. Do a search for "Art Fair Shows Events" on this blog or go to the Prince William Art Society to find out more.

This Friday, March 3 at 6:30 pm is an art reception for the 29 artists juried into this art show and the public is welcome to attend. There is usually beverages and nibbles and various activities planned. You can speak to the artists while strolling the gallery and ask about the book behind the artwork. 

You are also encouraged to vote for your favorite artwork! And don't forget to ask about the art prints available - the labels on the artwork with a "green dot" specify that Prints are Available. "Red Dots" mean that the artwork has sold.

A Quick Walkabout the Gallery

The glare during the day is pretty extreme on the front windows, but here is a look around the gallery. It is always much better to see the art up close and personal as you know, but for those that live far away, here's  a peek.



Center painting on the top shelf, "Lady in Blue" by Susan Furr sold today 
As you know, we LOVE talking to the folks that visit the gallery. It is our favorite thing to do! So we met Isobel today. And her pets. Usually we see the furry variety. Not this time.

Photo Courtesy Evelyn Chatters

Evelyn and Isobel...and the 3 pythons.

So come by and see the show!  And we promise, when Isobel left, she took her buddies with her.

Author: Donna Liguria
An artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at, her Esty site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.

Local Art: Visit us at Stonebridge Open Space Arts at 15000 #140 Potomac Town Center, Woodbridge, VA - Open Wed to Sat 12-7 and Sun 12-5
The Prince William Art Society is a 52-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia.

Want to know how to get involved at OSA? If you are an artist (18 or older) living in Prince William County, or a are a member of a PWC art group, you are welcome to get on our next art show's emailing list. Send it to us, OR come by the gallery to find out more.

Want to join PWAS? Go to

Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Post 305: PWAS Monthly Meeting Guest Speaks on the Art of Pastels

PWAS Monthly Meeting Guest Speaks on the Art of Pastels

The monthly Prince William Art Society meeting at the Tall Oaks Community Center took place last night. PWAS meets on the 4th Monday of the month at the Tall Oaks Community Center, 12298 Cotton Mill Dr, Woodbridge, VA 22192, at 7:30 pm. and featured a program with local artist, Teresa Brunson.

The guest speaker opened the meeting with Ms Brunson showing the tools and procedures in creating her beautiful pastel and mixed media paintings. 



Wild Flower Field by Teresa Brunson 

The PWAS members asked Teresa many questions about her process. She covered the types of paper used, the qualities of the pastels and their properties and uses. The members were fascinated by her mixed media use of watercolors, clear gesso, topped with pastels, then on to the framing. Very interesting demo.

Teresa currently exhibits and sells her artwork at the well-known Loft Gallery in Occoquan, VA where her work can be viewed:

An Art Meeting in Woodbridge, Virginia

After a short refreshment break, the PWAS business portion took place covering finances, grant updates, scholarship fund progress, Open Space Arts gallery news, art show info and more. New members were introduced and questions were asked and answered. PWAS monthly meetings are free and open to the public to attend. If you live in the Northern Virginia area and are interested in art, we invite you to attend the next meeting - March 27, 2023.

Tall Oaks Community Center

 See you at the next meeting - or at the Open Space Arts gallery!

Author: Donna Liguria
An artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at, her Esty site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.
Author: Emily Hawes

Photography/Video Credits: 
Ana Quispe

Local Art: Visit us at Stonebridge Open Space Arts at 15000 #140 Potomac Town Center, Woodbridge, VA - Open Wed to Sat 12-7 and Sun 12-5
The Prince William Art Society is a 52-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia.

Want to know how to get involved at OSA? If you are an artist (18 or older) living in Prince William County, or a are a member of a PWC art group, you are welcome to get on our next art show's emailing list. Send it to us, OR come by the gallery to find out more.

Want to join PWAS? Go to

Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!