Meet a PWAS Member: Helen Burroughs
A Lifelong Art Lover & At Collector Becomes an Artist
Helen Burroughs has loved art since childhood. As an executive, she traveled the world for work and collected art along the way. In retirement, a conversation with a gallery owner sparked an artistic journey that is evolving and flourishing today.
Pushing the Boundaries of Mediums
Helen has enjoyed using acrylics and oil pastels to create both representational and abstract art:
In our interview linked below, Helen tells us how she has come to incorporate textiles into her visual art, from ribbon embroidery to a new wool technique that she is developing herself. It's exciting to hear how an artist has pushed her art into new media and directions!
In fact, Helen is currently creating a body of work for an exhibition that's scheduled for January 2023 at the McLean Textile Gallery.
More Inspiration from Helen: An Artist Catalog
In our recorded conversation, Helen shows us a remarkable marketing tool that she created: a full-color artist catalog. As you watch her flip through the catalog, you may be inspired to create something similar to showcase your own artwork!
Watch Helen's Interview Below—She's on a remarkable journey!
An artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA, specializing in mixed media collage.
Photos courtesy of Helen Burroughs
Local Art: Visit us at Stonebridge Open Space Arts at 15000 Potomac Town Center, Woodbridge, VA - Open Wed to Sat 12-7 and Sun 12-5
The Prince William Art Society is a 50-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia.
Want to know how to get involved at OSA? If you are an artist (18 or older) living in Prince William County, or a are a member of a PWC art group, you are welcome to get on our next art show's emailing list. Send it to us, OR come by the gallery to find out more.
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