Thursday, November 18, 2021

Post 72: PWAS Congratulations and Recognition for Stonebridge Show November 26, 27, 28, 2021

PWAS Congratulations and Recognition: These Artists Were Selected for the Stonebridge Show

A BIG Congratulations to the juried in artists for the Stonebridge Art Show over Thanksgiving weekend! November 26 - 28, 2021 at 1500 Potomac Town Place Building 140 - the Wegman's Shopping Center.

Shop for local art Black Friday, Small Business Sunday AND Artist's Sunday!

And the Winners Are

Staci Blanchard
Maria Briganti
Andrea Castaneda
Kelly Haneklau
John Hartt
Sheri Herrick
Sandra Lewin
Donna Liguria
Ken Meardon
Betty Sperty
Penny Shaw
Otis Stanley
Brenda Vann
Art Check-In at the Stonebridge Open Space Arts (1500 Potomac Town Place Building 140) will be Saturday, November 20 from 11:00 to 6:00.  
Art pick-up will be Sunday, Nov. 28, between 4:00 and 6:00. Or Monday, Nov. 27 from 10:00 to 4:00. 

Local Art: Visit us at Clearbrook Center of the Arts at Tackett's Mill in Lake Ridge, VA on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to 4 – it’s free to see the artwork! Want to join PWAS? Go to

Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!

Author: Donna Liguria
An artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Blog at

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Post 71: How the Artwork is Hung at Clearbrook Center of the Arts

How the Artwork is Hung at Clearbrook Center of the Arts

The Prince William Art Society (PWAS, pronounced fondly as "P-WAHZ") is a non-profit art group in Prince William County. We display our artwork at Clearbrook Center of the Arts which is an art gallery here in Lake Ridge, Virginia (Northern Virginia - Woodbridge area). The gallery is open every weekend, Saturday and Sunday, from 1 to 4 and our artist members volunteer their time "manning the gallery". The artwork is changed out bi-monthly. The theme changes, new artwork is brought in, and some other pieces are moved around, making the gallery fresh for viewing. 


The PWAS group called the "Clearbrook Committee" take care of this process and do an AWESOME job each Changeover. This article is by Barbara Abel and Bilee Sciuto and with this post, they give us a view on how it is done and what all is involved in the process.


 - "A lot of what we do revolves around what artwork we have to work with each Changeover, and how we feel about the artwork."


First Day: Drop Off and Pick Up Day

First thing - We check out the storage room to see what people have dropped off.  Jewell (Pratt Burns) has been helping by checking each separate piece of art to ensure the hanging system is correct and that if the artwork is on canvas, that all of the sides have been painted.  


We do other checks as well – making sure that there are no random pencil marks, etc.  We found one piece several months ago that was a drawing that that “looked left”, but the under-drawing looked right and down.  The artist obviously was trying to decide on composition, but didn’t erase the first marks.  


We also hung a piece that looked good, but a couple days later the glued screw pulled out of the frame and the whole piece fell off the wall – luckily over one of the counters and did not damage anyone else’s artwork.  We have tried to add to the hanging requirements to not glue screws, to erase your earlier marks, and other requirements, but we often find stuff we don’t expect to. See the page "Display"

Taking Art Down

Another part of drop off/pick up is removing all the art off the walls and staging it in groups around the gallery.  This past Changeover, I staged art by the artist, thinking it might help people coming in to pick up art (it didn’t – we had several people come in and drop off/pick up early.)  Sometimes as we take art off the walls, we stage the new art with the art to stay, by color groups or themes (animals, holidays, etc.).  


Bilee has asked that next time, I stage all art with the current theme on or near the alien’s bench (Entrance door right) because the theme wall is her specialty and it will keep her from having to look all over the building to see what artwork can be used on the theme wall.  By the way, Bilee has done the Theme Wall for maybe the past 2 years and has a special touch for it.   You should talk to her about how she figures out what to do and where to place each piece as the theme wall starts off totally clean with no artwork on it.  So, the first wall to be dealt with is the theme wall. (I'll need to do that! - DL)


The Theme Wall for November and December 2021 - Winter and Holidays

Line of View

One of the most important walls to deal with early is the wall directly across from the front door.  It is the first one seen by a visitor, and we try to use artwork that is beautiful, impactful, and pretty much the best of all the artwork provided to us to hang.   We don’t always hit that mark, unfortunately. (I believe they do extremely well! As they say, sometimes we are our own worse critics, right? - DL)

Moving on, Shadow and I separately pick out art that resonates with us at the moment and stage it near the wall on which we are thinking it will hang. Then we search the rest of the artwork for related themes or colors, or something that will make the first piece “pop” or other aspects that might go with the first piece we chose and move it near the wall on which it might hang.  Sometimes, it takes the three of us sitting down looking at what we have and trying to decide if the items all work together.  Sometimes they don’t – this past Changeover we were working on building a wall with blue nautical themes and there was one piece I was trying to fit in that just didn’t work.  We moved it to one of the walls in the time capsule room where it fit perfectly.

We often give preference of placement to new artists – so their art will show up in the lobby or the hall leading to the backroom.   

A Committee Committed to Being a Team

We collaborate a lot while hanging art, and get each other’s opinions as to whether something works or not, and also, is the artwork hung straight, is it too high or low, does it need to be moved right or left?

We keep picking up artwork and walking through the gallery to find the perfect place to hang it.  The time capsule room and the back room are often the last rooms to be finished, and some of the artwork winding up in those rooms are pieces that don’t match well with any of the artwork left to hang, or pieces that have been hanging in the gallery for several months.   Or pieces that go perfectly with several other pieces…

Some of the last things we do are to tape down the plastic of the hanging system if needed, and to make sure each piece has 2 cards identifying it (one on back, one on the bottom right site of the artwork OR on the wall next to the artwork.) and finally, to just do a sanity check that we are happy with the results.

Hanging art becomes very touchy-feely – and I’m not sure I’ve given the process the best explanation possible.  We all have favorite art pieces, and the 3 of us respect each other’s opinions, which are sometimes wildly different.  Somehow we get the job done, and most of the time we can walk out thinking – yeah, that looks good!


Of note here is that the Prince William Art Society, probably like any art group, is composed of all sorts of artists: some with art educations, artists that are self-taught, artists that have been painting, selling, and showing artwork for years, AND artists that are newer to the art world and are learning the ropes (or wires) as it were and as it should be. We are ALL learning from each other.

A very BIG thank you to Barbara and Bilee for this behind the scenes look at how its hanging at Clearbrook, and we have to include Jewell and Shadow (Clearbrook Chair) for the wonderful displays each month. Thank you all. - DL


Local Art: Visit us at Clearbrook Center of the Arts at Tackett's Mill in Lake Ridge, VA on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to 4 – it’s free to see the artwork! Want to join PWAS? Go to

Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!

Author: Barbara Abel
PWAS and Clearbrook Committee artist member in Woodbridge, VA

Author: Bilee Sciuto
PWAS and Clearbrook Committee artist member
Author/Editor: Donna Liguria
An artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Blog at
Photography/Video Credits:

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Post 70: PWAS at Clearbrook New Theme - Winter and Holiday

New Theme at Clearbrook Center of the Arts, "Winter and Holiday" by PWAS Members

And the artwork was hung by the chimney with care...

The Theme Wall at Clearbrook

The Prince William Art Society hangs their artwork at Clearbrook Center of the Arts which is located at the back, lower section of Tackett's Mill in Lake Ridge, Virginia. The artwork is changed bi-monthly and the changeover occurred this past Monday and Tuesday, November 8 and 9, 2021.

The Theme Wall is located as you come in the door, to your immediate right. The last changeover (September and October) was "Fall and Halloween" with the new theme for November and December being "Winter and Holiday". So any artwork with snowy chilly winter compositions, or the upcoming holidays of November and December - from Santa to Champagne on New Years would fit that topic.
The Theme Wall is all about that 2 month topic, but the rest of the gallery is filled with lots of artists with all different styles, subjects, mediums - it really is a very diverse group.

Let's have a sneak peek at what you will find if you visit - starting Saturday, November 13, 2021...
Clearbrook Center of the Arts Theme Wall "Winter and Holiday"


 Absolutely, a photograph does NOT do the artwork justice. Up close and personal is the way to actually see the artwork, the details, everything. And a reminder that Sunday, November 28, 2021 is Artist's Sunday - which is now a day to celebrate shopping artwork, especially local artist's in your area. Give the gift of something handmade and original, while supporting the arts!

Local Art: Visit us at Clearbrook Center of the Arts at Tackett's Mill in Lake Ridge, VA on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to 4 – it’s free to see the artwork! Want to join PWAS? Go to

Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!

Author: Donna Liguria
An artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Blog at
Photography/Video Credits: 

Friday, November 12, 2021

Post 69: Why I Art by Staci Blanchard

Why I Art

People always seem to have interesting stories about how they got into art. I have met many people who have been artists all of their lives, and have traveled the path of an artist. Taking classes in school and majoring in art in college; working in artistic fields, and teaching art to others. Art has been a part of their entire lives. My path hasn’t been an artistic one until more recently in my 51 years of traveling.

My father was a cartoonist, and most of my paternal family are in the arts in some form or other. My father made sure art was in my life as a child. As I got older and life took some twists and twirls (as life likes to do), art became a back burner item for me. Five years ago life did a number on me in a variety of ways, but it gave me the opportunity to put art on the front burner.

"Iris Blooms" by Staci Blanchard, Acrylic on 12x20 Canvas

Art discovered me when I was hurting and needed something just for me in my life. I played with watercolors for a bit, then acrylic painting, and finally fluid art. And let me not forget the most amazing tool for anyone finding art. . . Youtube! Anything you want to learn is on there. I have done many tutorials, for a variety of art techniques and styles. There is no way I would have discovered all the wonders of fluid art without Youtube.

Fluid art requires one thing from the artist, letting go. It’s difficult but this type of art allows the paint to be in control, we just guide and nudge it. Letting go, and giving up control was hard enough for me, but life slapped me across the face with the fact that I had no control. Fluid art is my painless and positive way for me to let go. Each painting is a new experience because I have no idea how the final piece will look.

"Underwater Fauna" by Staci Blanchard, Acrylic on 11x14 Canvas

Last spring and summer when everything was locked down I could physically feel my anxiety raising. I would go out to my back porch and start mixing paints, it was meditative and soothing for me. By the time I was done with a painting, I could notice a physical difference in myself because my anxiety was gone. Every moment of the process soothes and comforts me. From staring at a canvas picturing the colors I want to use and the effects I want to create, to the mixing of the paints. Once I have let the paints flow across the canvas my mind shuts down and allows me to be present in the moment. Nothing else quiets my mind like fluid art.

After several years of painting for myself, I had the confidence to contact the Prince William Art Society (PWAS), and to become a member immediately. I very quickly had the opportunity to display my art in the gallery, as well as participate in a couple of community art shows. I even sold a small painting at the first art show I was in!

Art began as therapy, but has become so much more to me. From therapy to hobby, to passion and sharing my art with others; I have come a long way in the last couple of years. Art has giving me the confidence in myself to put it out there in the world and let others have judgement of my work. Again with the giving up control! I feel successful already just by facing that fear.

"Blue Sunset" by Staci Blanchard, Acrylic on 12x12 Canvas

Hopefully Staci's article will inspire other PWAS Members to pen their own "Why I Art" in future!

Local Art: Visit us at Clearbrook Center of the Arts at Tackett's Mill in Lake Ridge, VA on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to 4 – it’s free to see the artwork! Want to join PWAS? Go to

Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!

Author: Staci Blanchard
An artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA specializing in acrylic pour painting. See her Blog at
Photography/Video Credits: 
Staci Blanchard - the Goddess of Glitter

Author/Editor: Donna Liguria
An artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Blog at

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Post: 68: Veteran's Day Artwork by Bilee Pearson Sciuto

Veteran's Day Artwork by Bilee Sciuto

We have a lot of military in our family - this eagle's look and the way they are always upright makes me think of a military person standing at attention.

"We will always stand" came to me before for the fourth of July... No matter how hard people try (9/11) our pride will show through and the USA will always prevail.

Local Art: Visit us at Clearbrook Center of the Arts at Tackett's Mill in Lake Ridge, VA on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to 4 – it’s free to see the artwork! Want to join PWAS? Go to

Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!

Author: Bilee Pearson Sciuto
A local artist in Woodbridge, VA, a member of PWAS.
Author/Editor: Donna Liguria
An artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Blog at
Photography/Video Credits:
Bilee Pearson Sciuto

Post 67: Veterans Day Artwork by PWAS Member Ken Meardon

In Honor of Veterans Day - PWAS Member, Ken Meardon's PhotoArt

All of Ken's pictures below are photos that he has made into "PhotoArt".  For example, the backgrounds for the soldiers are not the real backgrounds and the one with three soldiers is a composite.  Also, he has added the plane to the WWII picture.

Vietnam Women's Memorial

A popular tourist destination, the National Mall is home to several notable monuments and memorials, including the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, World War II Memorial, and Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Equally important on this symbolic landscape is the Vietnam Women’s Memorial located just north of the Reflecting Pool. The memorial was dedicated in 1993 and portrays three women caring for a fallen soldier.

During the Vietnam War, women served in many different roles. Many women served as nurses and physicians while others acted as air traffic controllers, communication specialists, and  intelligence officers. The Vietnam Women’s Memorial was established to honor the women who risked their lives to serve their country. The names of the eight women who died in Vietnam are included on the list of over 58,000 names on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

Korean War Memorial (the two soldier pictures)

The Korean War Veterans Memorial is located near the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. It was dedicated on July 27, 1995. The Memorial was designed and financed by private contributions and erected under the auspices of the Korean War Veterans Memorial Advisory Board composed of Korean War veterans appointed by President Reagan.  The memorial commemorates the sacrifices of the 5.8 million Americans who served in the U.S. armed services during the three-year period of the Korean War. The War was one of the most hard fought in our history. During its relatively short duration from June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953, over 36,000 American servicemen and 7,100 Korean Augmentation to the United States Army (KATUSA) died in hostile actions in the Korean War theater. Of these, 8,200 are listed as missing in action or lost or buried at sea. In addition, 103,284 were wounded during the conflict. The Memorial consists of four parts.

The 19 stainless steel statues were sculpted by Frank Gaylord of Barre, VT and cast by Tallix Foundries of Beacon, NY. They are approximately seven feet tall and represent an ethnic cross section of America. The advance party has 14 Army, 3 Marine, 1 Navy and 1 Air Force members. The statues stand in patches of Juniper bushes and are separated by polished granite strips, which give a semblance of order and symbolize the rice paddies of Korea. The troops wear ponchos covering their weapons and equipment. The ponchos seem to blow in the cold winds of Korea.

World War II Memorial

Through stone architecture and bronze sculptures, the World War II Memorial recognizes the ways Americans served, honors those who fell, and recognizes the victory they achieved to restore freedom and end tyranny around the globe.  The World War II Memorial honors the 16 million who served in the armed forces of the U.S., the more than 400,000 who died, and all who supported the war effort from home. Symbolic of the defining event of the 20th Century, the memorial is a monument to the spirit, sacrifice, and commitment of the American people. The Second World War is the only 20th Century event commemorated on the National Mall’s central axis.  The memorial opened to the public on April 29, 2004 and was dedicated one month later on May 29.

Local Art: Visit us at Clearbrook Center of the Arts at Tackett's Mill in Lake Ridge, VA on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to 4 – it’s free to see the artwork! Want to join PWAS? Go to

Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!

Artwork: Ken Meardon
An artist member and Treasurer of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA specializing in PhotoArt. See his website at
Photography/Video Credits: 
Ken Meardon

Post 66: Bob Ross Happy Trees

Bob Ross and His Happy Trees

Did you ever watch Bob Ross on PBS on TV - The Joy of Painting? The dude with the big hair, soft voice and "happy trees?"


Perhaps those of a certain age remember channel surfing and running into Bob Ross on PBS periodically. Some may never admit to watching the program which ran from 1983 to 1994, but I did occasionally. He did make it all look so easy!
I didn't know he was an Air Force veteran, so it just seems appropriate to post the Happy Trees on Veteran's Day.  
Did you watch the show? Ever? What did you think?

Local Art: Visit us at Clearbrook Center of the Arts at Tackett's Mill in Lake Ridge, VA on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to 4 – it’s free to see the artwork! Want to join PWAS? Go to

Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!

Author: Donna Liguria
An artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Blog at