Request for Commission for Your Artwork
Those words that strike excitement, joy and/or a bit of fear in an artist's heart, "I would like to commission a painting from you." Wow, ok GREAT! Wait, what do they want me to paint??!! There are a lot of questions to have answered and agreed upon before any brush hits canvas or running to the art supply store, even if from a friend.
Commission Contract
Unless you trust your friend or family member with your life (and for some artists, their artwork IS their life), a Commission Contract is recommended for anyone requesting artwork from you. The contract spells out what each of you - client and artist expect so that every one of the requirements are met and everyone is happy.
The Commission Contract will state everything that is requested, required, expected and agreed upon. The client is requesting a service from the artist and the document defines what those services are.
So when that message is received from someone that says, "I would like to commission a painting from you," as stated above, our initial response might be -oh how cool! But that is only the beginning of a conversation that could take some time to iron out. Here are a few up front questions that need to be answered.
1. What is the subject of the artwork?
Make sure you have DETAILS on exactly what the subject desired is - the position/angle, the expression, the coloring, perhaps time of day, what to include or exclude, etc.
Is the subject right in your ball park and area of expertise? Great, no worries. But what if it isn't? Are you comfortable with painting people and the requestor wants you to paint their child when you might specialize in pet portraits and/or Picasso styles?
And if you work in oils, acrylic, or mixed mediums, what medium is being requested?
2. What size is the artwork and what surface is desired?
Some clients will need to be walked through the standard canvas sizes available unless the artist is adept at stretching his or her own canvases - or if an alternative surface is being used, you still need to know the size desired.
Common Stretched Gallery Wrapped ready for purchase Canvases:
Will the canvas fit in YOUR vehicle? Will it fit in theirs when they pick it up? How you and they plan on getting it home is a consideration both of you should think about.
3. When do they need it?
A great question that will need to be answered especially if there is a special/holiday target due date. Do you have several art requests ahead of them that must be finished? How busy is your schedule? Be realistic in setting up expectations. Some artists state on their websites if they are currently accepting new commissions or not (for a multiple of reasons).
painted artwork needs a curing period for several of its steps
including prior to varnishing, isolation coats (if used) and after varnishing, and the medium used
will affect any of those steps. Oil paintings are especially time sensitive.
If the space of time required because of your work load and previous commitments does not fit in with their schedule, say so. Perhaps you have another work in your inventory that might fit their needs if time is of the essence.
When the artwork is completed, how will it get where it needs to go? Clearly specify if the art will be picked up, delivered or shipped up front, in the Commission Contract. ALL of your costs MUST (there is no should) be included in the quote. Shipping is a whole new monster in getting it where it needs to go - a frame, packing materials, weight, etc will all need to be worked out.
4. Do they have reference photos?
Obviously, people portraits, pet portraits, places, objects, etc. with several clear photographs will definitely help the artist to get the work accomplished. The lighting and time of day of the photograph may be something to consider as well.
Some research time may need to be spent to see a specific location from several angles. I once had a commission from a client's photograph of Mount Assiniboine in British Columbia, Canada (see photo below). It wasn't until I did some online research that I was able to see clearly that the 'snowy mountain peeks' in the photo were not all the same mountain so I could paint them correctly. (I try to be that detailed.)
5. Will you need to do preliminary sketches for approval?
Occasionally a client is so confident in your ability that they know you will come up with a beauty for them. And of course, you will. Other clients will want to see what your concept is and to sign off on the rendering before working on the actual final artwork. This is fine too, its all a part of the communication to meet the client's expectations.
There are many things to consider. Typically the contract will allow up to 3 sketches for the proposed work. Anything above the 3 sketches/changes will add to the total cost probably with a by-the-hour rates. And the rights to all of the sketches belong with the artist.
What if the client wants to change something mid-stream, after approval of the sketch? How may revisions will be allowed before extra costs are incurred? All of these issues need to be stated before starting.
6. Will it be framed?
The biggest thing about having the commissioned contract is so that all parties know what to expect. There is nothing worse than the client saying, "I thought it was going to be this way..." Or, "I thought it would be framed". Again, it is communicated on the Commission Contract.
Gallery wrapped canvases do not necessarily need to be framed, but you will need to finish the edges. Finished edges are a sign of a true professional and are expected in any gallery.
7. Are there any miscellaneous details to consider?
Who owns the rights to the piece, the artist does. They may "own" the original after they've picked it up from you, but you own the copyright. State on the form if the client may or may not have reproductions made of the artwork. The artist also reserves the right to title the artwork as well as use of the image of the work because he/she may still use its image for print sales. (The client should NOT.)
Exhibitions: There will need to be a statement and agreements on if the artist might use the artwork for an exhibit later and all the details on that should be spelled out. If the artwork is used as part of an artist's exhibition, you would see a "Not For Sale" and perhaps "On Loan from the Collection of __".
- Will there be a cost to install?
- Transporting, packaging and weight costs
8. Do they have a preference where the signature will be?
Some clients may have a preference on where your signature should appear, but as any artist knows, a signature must be on it - at a minimum, on the back of the canvas. Most artists do sign on the front, often the bottom right but an option could be on the side of the artwork as well. You will need to know if there is a preference or if it matters to the client.
9. And how much will it cost?
And the big question, what will it cost? The artist will have to build a quote for the work with the various stipulations as noted above, less the nonrefundable deposit. DO include Sales Tax.
Try to keep an eye on the clock for some projects you do so that you have some idea of how much time various projects might cost. That may help with later quotes. See the blog posts on Pricing.
Protect Yourself
The entire process should ensure that your work and payment are safe, secure and legitimate.
- First, ensure the request is legit, especially if contacted via the Internet. There are those out there that are working various schemes, so be aware of that.
- As with anything else in life, communication is key and NOTHING should be ever be assumed. Spell it out.
- I like to post paintings in progress online via my blog and social media unless the client is gifting the painting and doesn't want the work shown in advance.
- I include an "Artwork Care" directions with the contract. I state that fine art is not recommended in warm/damp bathroom environments and if the purchaser decides to hang the work there, well that is on them. Also, they should not hang fine artwork in direct sunlight.
Remember, please remember, follow your instincts and if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If emails, texts, or phone calls go unanswered for a long period of time or if the client wants YOU to pay - anything - something could very easily be wrong. Pay attention to the red flags.
This painting is a part of YOUR business and if something goes wrong, at least your up front payment received will cover the supplies cost/startup. You should NEVER incur any of the initial costs. Look at it this way, if the sale falls through, you are only out the time worked on the project not the supplies. You may even be able to still sell the work or paint over it.
Depending on the contract, even then, you may still be able to recover all or some of the costs depending on the amount of work completed. You are providing a service to a client and a good contract will protect both sides.
Get a deposit! Note the deposit on your contract form and deduct it from your final total. Deposits may range between one third and one half of your total and is NONREFUNDABLE.
A payment method is a necessary tool especially for credit cards. Paypal, Square - there are a lot of options these days for artists to receive payments so research those methods to find what works best for you.
you must take a check, ensure the check CLEARS - BEFORE starting the work
- all starting dates are contingent on that. When the work is picked up or
delivered, specify cash or arrange for alternative payment. Give the client an invoice, a Painting Care sheet, Certificate of Authenticity, or any other documentation as necessary.
And Finally...
Occasionally the client may decide to not continue with the commission. Perhaps the quote is higher than they wanted to spend, which is fine. If they don't like what you charge for your service, so be it. To me it is also an honor that they apparently saw some of your work and contacted you in the first place.
But if a deposit has been given and work has started, a good Commission Contract will spell out what will happen whether the client discontinues the agreement or if the artist fails to meet the agreement.
Note: This post may be only a 'beginning' and updated as the information is developed and refined. My hope is to also have a sample form available at some point too, either here or as a page in the Blog.
Nonetheless, have a look around, there are some free simple-sample forms and more expansive versions available online and there are paid versions as well.
Last Update: May 1, 2023
Local Art: Visit us at Open Space Arts at 15000 #140 Potomac Town Center, Woodbridge, VA from Wednesday - Saturdays 12-7pm and Sundays from 12 to 5 – it’s free to see the artwork! Want to join PWAS? Go to
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An artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Blog at