PWAS in the News!
The Prince William Art Society (PWAS) is in the news! The Prince William County Arts Council (PWCAC) has posted its first edition New Arts Magazine featuring the art world from around our county, including a wonderful article on what PWAS has been up to. Click on the image to see the magazine.
PWAS Members
Are you a writer in addition to being a PWAS Member? We would love to talk to you so contact us if interested in writing art inspired articles about our art group, art topics and more.
Artistry Spin Blogmaster and an artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA, specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at, her Donna's Esty site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.
Local Art: The Prince William Art Society is a 50+-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia. Visit us at any of our local art shows or join us for our monthly meetings - held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Tall Oaks Community Center at 12298 Cotton Mill Dr, Woodbridge, VA at 7:30pm
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Great to see and read about our PWAS members and activities.