Thursday, August 29, 2024

Post 489: PWAS Artistry Spin Blog Birthday and PWAS Members

PWAS Artistry Spin Blog Birthday and PWAS Members

So this Prince William Art Society (PWAS) Blog called Artistry Spin has been around a little while to help spread the word on what the oldest art group in Prince William County is up to and for information for the members and others to learn more about, well, anything ART. AND the Artistry Spin Blog is celebrating its third birthday!

Learn More About PWAS

Three years of blog posts so far! We are currently at 489 posts and counting, so the readers can certainly learn a lot about our art group here in Prince William County. We have covered our history (past), what we currently have going on (present), and what we have planned for the future.

The PWAS Artistry Spin Blog started on August 29, 2021 with our very first post:

Prince William Art Society for Artists and Art Lovers In this post is the history of PWAS with its beginnings that I garnered from Jewell Pratt Burns. Jewell is a founding member and she is a wonderful source, a fount of knowledge, and a lovely lady as well as a wonderful artist. 

Artistry Spin is where you can learn more about upcoming art events that PWAS has coming, well in advance, what we are involved in and where the members show what they do. We let everyone know the details of our meetings and guest speakers, art receptions, art tips (we have a lot that are given by various PWAS members themselves) and so much more.

Expectations on how PWAS members are required to Display their art is an important post on how to prepare your artwork for galleries and shows. Lessons Learned is a huge compilation of tips of things learned after an art show, to be prepared for your next show.

Art Committees are an extremely important part of any non-profit art group as is Volunteering. Learn about Commissions, about Pricing, and Calls for Art. Interested in joining our merry band of dedicated and wise artists? Have a look at Membership. And any and all artists need to know how to handle Art Rejection. It happens to ALL of us.

The Blog is setup as most recent blog post first and important art topic pages in the top navigation. Your view will depend on if you are on your mobile device or laptop. Topics can be searched for, or found in our Blog Archives, in the Labels, Tags and Keywords list, and/or in Most Popular All Time Posts or Popular Posts this week. See also How to Use This Blog

I'm often asked if there is something in the blog about "XYZ" and I more often than not have to say, like Ragu Spaghetti Sauce, "It's IN there!"

Of course, PWAS has its own website, found at but a blog can go so into so much more detail and doesn't necessarily have to adhere to the expected savoir-faire of the official website.

Blog Schedule and About Blog Posts

PWAS Members can find the information on past shows, upcoming shows, and show what they have going on. But how can PWAS members get involved?

Schedule - find information about the blog schedule and types of blog posts available to the PWAS membership. Learn how YOU can use the blog to help in the promotion of your art as well as everything that PWAS is and does. 

Any blog thrives with good content. A good portion of our content comes directly from our members, especially when they provide their information and images. *AND why wouldn't any artist not use the free promotion available to them???

How can you get more info about yourself as a PWAS member artist? Well here are some topics that can help do that. Periodically, I, as the Blog Admin send out a request or a question asking the PWAS members to send me pictures, or to answer the question as in the following examples you will see if you go to the Schedule Page.

  • Art Topics and What's on Your Easel? - an email asking what you are working on.
  • Inside the Studio of... - a single artist member post featuring YOUR studio and YOU
  • Artist Interviews - a single artist member post featuring YOU
  • The Art with the Artist Posts - great posts of gatherings with all artists with their art
  • Get Your Art In the PWAS Art Store
  • Upcoming PWAS Events, Member Events, and NON-PWAS Events or Shows
    • What's on Your Radar? - an email asking what's coming up for you.
  • PWAS Plein Air Posse - a subgroup of PWAS members that enjoy plein air painting
  • PWAS Meeting Recaps
  • PWAS Event Recaps
  • PWAS Member Awards and Recognition and Woohoos! - did your artwork get a ribbon or recognition?
  • Vacationing or Visiting Somewhere Awesome?
  • PWAS New Member Intro - are you a new member and want to write a intro post about yourself?
  • Member Advice and Suggestions, Art Tips
  • Don't Spill the Paint - art comedy, comics, especially if YOU created it
Other ideas worth chasing are member Shoutouts, any art class notes and advice, definitely the sharing of your favorite art tips. The PWAS Board is welcome to share periodic Board Notes too.

Send the info on What's on Your Easel? and What's on your Radar? by the deadline requested so that I can build a blog post with your info.

Blog Comments

Under every single blog post (and Page post too) you'll find either a small link called 'No comments' or a number of comments. Not all PWAS members know that when Commenting on a blog post, which we encourage, that in order to filter out spammers, haters and duplicate posts, the Blog Admin must approve or disapprove a comment on a post before they are viewable. Thus, it may take a few hours or to the next day before they are approved so they will show. Be patient. You don't need to repost it. And we love a name with the comment, so click here to learn more on how to not post as Anonymous - Comments.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash 

Anyway, it is a happy birthday for The Spin and I hope you all find the PWAS Artistry Spin Blog useful and will drop your comments in this post. Give "The Spin" a happy birthday and let me know what you think of it.

Author: Donna Liguria
Artistry Spin Blogmaster and an artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA, specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at, her Donna's Esty site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.

Local Art: The Prince William Art Society is a 50+-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia. Visit us at any of our local art shows or join us for our monthly meetings - held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Tall Oaks Community Center at 12298 Cotton Mill Dr, Woodbridge, VA at 7:30pm

Want to join PWAS? Go to

Have an idea for a blog post? Are you a writer and want to help with the blog? Let me know! Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!


  1. A BIG Happy Birthday to the PWAS Artistry Spin Blog! A LOT of work went into these 489 blog posts and the plethora of art info, Prince William Art Society info, member info and more. Looking forward to many more birthdays!

  2. Congratulations on 3 years! I haven't been able to participate for a long time so I especially enjoy the blog when I can see the works-in-progress of other artists.
