Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Post 475: What PWAS Members are Working On

What PWAS Members are Working On

A few PWAS members answered the question on "What are you working on?" That's a question that is periodically asked of the Prince William Art Society members. Let's see what they're doing...

PWAS Member Zee Berrios

[Here] is the piece in progress in the "renditions" series. It is an acrylic on canvas, 48" X 60". Based on a recreation of George Seurat's "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Gran Jatte". This recreation was photographed by Mark Preuschl. It was enacted and "modernized" by art lovers and volunteers. This rendition will modernize it even further. Lord willing, it should be finished within a week.

PWAS Member Elena Jochum

PWAS Member Terry Sandlin

"Stars, Bars and Clouds" painting I have been working - acrylics, 26 x 26 - not my usual subject - but just experimenting.  Did have two paintings juried at the FCCA gallery last week - will exhibit in July (Salmon and Buffalo done "cave art style."

PWAS Member Donna Liguria

This small painting that is in progress is only 4x4 and is in acrylics of a blue heron flying in over a lake. More painting details to come on this wee easel.

Author: Donna Liguria
Artistry Spin Blogmaster and an artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA, specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at DonnaLiguriaArt.com, her Donna's Esty site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.

Local Art: The Prince William Art Society is a 50+-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia. Visit us at any of our local art shows or join us for our monthly meetings - held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Tall Oaks Community Center at 12298 Cotton Mill Dr, Woodbridge, VA at 7:30pm

Want to join PWAS? Go to https://www.princewilliamartsociety.com/membership

Have an idea for a blog post? Are you a writer and want to help with the blog? Let me know! Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!

Monday, June 24, 2024

Post 474: PWAS at the Manassas Bee Festival

PWAS at the Manassas Bee Festival

Saturday, June 22, 2024. The 4th Annual Manassas Bee Festival at Liberia House and Grounds at 8601 Portner Avenue, Manassas, Virginia - and what a big, fun day it was although a hot 96 + degree day. The Prince William Art Society (PWAS) at the Bee Festival.

The First Manassas Bee Festival for PWAS

A few PWAS members had been to a previous Manassas Bee Festival (the 2nd Annual) and oh my, how this festival has grown. More vendors, more food trucks, more bee antennas, more honey, more everything. We had 9 PWAS members displaying art and several members Plein Air Painting.

What a variety of snacks and sweets, and lunch munchies were available. Two hundred vendors I heard, so that made for a variety of offerings all around the tents. With such a hot day, the critters were set up on the other side of the Liberia House near the graveyards in the shade, and there was a misting area too.

We saw various other artists, past PWAS members, friends from the MAG (Manassas Art Guild) group and friends from around the county. Our spot under the trees afforded respite from the heat and the PWAS members chatted with our visitors showing what we do. Many showed interest in our art group.

Calm before the festival from Otis Stanley (Friday, June 21, 2024

This picture is most of the PWAS members showing at the Bee Festival from Sandra McClelland Lewin. L-R is Donna Liguria, Staci Blanchard, Sandra Lewin (seated), Luis Munoz, Kathleen Gates, Mark Clifton, Richard Tyler, Jess Kodad and not shown is Katherine Owens. Kelly Haneklau took the picture.

Photos around the PWAS booth from Sandra McClelland Lewin

Visitors in the booth at the festival from Sandra McClelland Lewin
Plein Air Painting is David Dillon at the festival from Sandra McClelland Lewin
Plein Air Painting is David Dillon at the festival from Staci Blanchard. The 2 live painters drew a lot of people into the PWAS Booth!

Plein Air Painting is Richard Tyler at the festival from Sandra McClelland Lewin
Plein Air Painting is Richard Tyler at the festival from Staci Blanchard 
Motley Crue - PWAS members Donna Liguria, Kathleen Gates, Staci Blanchard, Richard Tyler and Evelyn Chatters from Otis Stanley on Friday evening setting up the tents
Otis Stanley selfies with PWAS characters in the back from booth setup on Friday, June 21, 2024 - Mark C, Kat G, Donna L, and the Goddess of Glitter

Kathleen Gates and Jess Kodad, apparently there was some behind the booth Plein Air sketching going on too! Photo from Staci Blanchard
Photo from Staci Blanchard
Photo from Staci Blanchard
Photo from Staci Blanchard
Photo from Staci Blanchard
Photo from Staci Blanchard 
Photo from Staci Blanchard 
Photo from Staci Blanchard

5th Annual Manassas Bee Festival?

Hopefully at next year's Bee Festival, PWAS members will be there AND the weather will be a little more comfortable. Might be a GREAT idea to have a giant icewater dispenser with cups too!

Nonetheless, we had many visitors go home with new artwork created by the Prince William Art Society members! 

Additionally, Mike Cano, a friend of PWAS artist Mark Clifton, sent these pictures:

Author: Donna Liguria
Artistry Spin Blogmaster and an artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA, specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at DonnaLiguriaArt.com, her Donna's Esty site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.

Photography/Video Credits: Otis Stanley, Staci Blanchard, Sandra McClelland Lewin, and Mike Cano

Local Art: The Prince William Art Society is a 50+-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia. Visit us at any of our local art shows or join us for our monthly meetings - held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Tall Oaks Community Center at 12298 Cotton Mill Dr, Woodbridge, VA at 7:30pm

Want to join PWAS? Go to https://www.princewilliamartsociety.com/membership

Have an idea for a blog post? Are you a writer and want to help with the blog? Let me know! Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!

Monday, June 17, 2024

Post 473: Upcoming Workshops from Prince William Art Society

2 New Upcoming Workshops from Prince William Art Society

Several new workshops are hitting the Registration page on the Prince William Art Society's website! Want to learn watercolors? How to draw? Open to the public and free, get registered as soon as you can to take these workshops!

Two New Exciting Art Workshops for You!

Introducing the latest workshops available from the nonprofit art group, the Prince William Art Society (PWAS). Seating is limited! Want to get involved with Prince William County's oldest art group. See Memberships.

1 - July 25, 2024 Watercolor

Mark Murphy - “Watercolor Essentials” - Canterbury Woods Community Center, Thursday, July 25th, 6:30-9pm


This workshop will provide a firm foundation for new watercolor artists by covering the basics of watercolor equipment, paints and techniques. After demonstrations and some practice exercises, participants will create a step-by-step painting. There will be ample opportunities for individual creativity and expression. Mark Murphy has many years experience creating and selling watercolor paintings and will provide valuable tips to beginners in this medium. This workshop will be held at the Canterbury Woods Community Center in Lake Ridge, VA. Participation is free, but spots are limited. Registration Opens on June 17th. Register to attend Prince William Art Society events at: https://www.princewilliamartsociety.com/register.


Location: Canterbury Woods Community Center 12184 Chaucer Lane Lake Ridge, Va 22192


Materials: All materials will be provided but participants are welcome to bring their own. 

Contact Mark with questions: markmurphy@hotmail.com


2 - July 31, 2024 Drawing


Donna Merchant - “Drawing With Donna” - Canterbury Woods Community Center. Wednesday, July 31st, 6:30-9pm


Join this drawing workshop for a review of basic drawing techniques. We will explore the use of drawing pencils, such as HB, 4B, 6B, and the importance of value range, shading and blending techniques. “To Grid or Not to Grid”, that’s a good question! Some like it; some don’t. We will discuss stress free ways to begin a portrait. Donna Merchant’s drawings are superb and she will be sharing her techniques with you. This workshop will be held at the Canterbury Woods Community Center in Lake Ridge, VA. Participation is free, but spots are limited. Registration Opens on June 17th. Register to attend Prince William Art Society events at: https://www.princewilliamartsociety.com/register.


Location: Canterbury Woods Community Center 12184 Chaucer Lane Lake Ridge, Va 22192


Materials: Drawing pencils, paper, blending tools, and rulers will be provided but feel free to bring your own supplies. Bring a photograph for a portrait reference and Donna will help you get started. If you prefer still life, there will also be a variety of objects to draw

Contact Donna Merchant with questions: donnamerchant.dm@gmail.com

And more fun workshops are coming soon! Hint, hint...do you know the art of Bettie Sperty?

Prince William Art Society Event Registration

Keep an eye open for the upcoming news, events, and workshops you might want to take on the Prince William Art Society website at https://www.princewilliamartsociety.com. Many of the workshops have limited seating - but only sign up if you really want to take it. 

We do allow registration to continue after the cap has been hit. People can be wait-listed and we have filled in with those people when we are notified that a signup could not attend. But what a shame it is when someone just does not show up!

PWAS Register: https://www.princewilliamartsociety.com/register 

PWAS News and Events: https://www.princewilliamartsociety.com/news-events

Free with support from the Prince William Arts Council and the Prince William Parks and Recreation

Author: Larry Burch, Tom Payne
Author: Donna Liguria
Artistry Spin Blogmaster and an artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA, specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at DonnaLiguriaArt.com, her Donna's Esty site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.

Photography/Video Credits: Mark Murphy and Donna Merchant

Local Art: The Prince William Art Society is a 50+-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia. Visit us at any of our local art shows or join us for our monthly meetings - held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Tall Oaks Community Center at 12298 Cotton Mill Dr, Woodbridge, VA at 7:30pm

Want to join PWAS? Go to https://www.princewilliamartsociety.com/membership

Have an idea for a blog post? Are you a writer and want to help with the blog? Let me know! Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Post 472: A Day of Plein Air Painting with Marni Maree

A Day of Plein Air Painting with Marni Maree

Saturday, June 8, 2024 9am. Nine of the Prince William Art Society members met at the Occoquan Regional Park with Marni Maree (our Plein Air Teacher) and Tom Payne (PWAS Member at Large and Workshop Coordinator) in the shade, down by the river with our plein air backpacks, sketchbooks, and a bucket.

Artists in the Great Out Doors

Some of the students were experienced plein air painters and a few were first time painters out in the wild of Occoquan. Although fish were jumping out of the water behind Marni, and the ducks a-quacking, the students listened attentively to our fearless leader's instructions.

Photo by Tom Payne of The Plein Air Posse with teacher, Marni Maree

Photo by Tom Payne of the students gathered around Marni, down by the river.

Photo by Tom Payne of  Marni instructing her attentive students.

Photo by Tom Payne of Marni giving the plein air students 3 challenges.

A Day of Painting in a Van Down by the River

A very beautiful day it was. The temperature was very comfortable, the sky was a big blue umbrella and the shade next to the Occoquan River was a big bonus too. 

Location to Paint: Occoquan Regional Park 9751 Ox Rd, Lorton, VA 22079 Lots of lovely amenities besides all the paintable views including a restaurant and restrooms!

Sidenote: Whenever I hear the phrase down by the river, I remember the Chris Farley SNL sketch of Matt Foley. Well, we weren't in a van, but we were certainly down by the river, with other folks getting their morning walk or runs in. Give a shoutout if you remember that one! Some people biking, some strolling, some with a good book on a bench. Others were on the water in various floating devices and boats. They were all fair game if they happened to appear in one of our paintings.

Supplies List 

The supply list was easy, nothing complicated and very easy to carry.

Sketchbook with watercolor paper
Ink pen (waterproof)
Mini watercolor palette (3-5 colors) 
Water brush (filled with water) 
Paper towels or cloths
Chair or stool
Photo by Tom Payne of Marni demonstrating her plein air techniques

After giving out her instructions, the students were let loose. Release the Krackin. Plant thyself in your spot. Bust out the colors and throw down!

PWAS Plein Air Painting Class Members

Now I must say, in defense of our art, for those of us that need it (me), the first step in the first of the 3 challenges was to quickly and without too much thought to the process, use only about 3 watercolors with a large aqua pen to block in the basics of what we saw in our selected paint subject. Step 2 was to let that dry. Step 3 was to then use a waterproof ink pen in our NON-DOMINANT hand and draw in the shapes of what we saw. As you can imagine, if you're right or left-handed and have to use your other hand to draw...your brain explodes.

Yet, it was a very interesting lesson.

And thank the powers that be for creative license. The photos of the plein air paintings below may or may not be done per artist and their choice to add more or not after they got home.

Donna Liguria

Donna Liguria beginning her painting, photo by Tom Payne

Photo by Donna Liguria, Reference photo for the plein air painting, view toward the Town of Occoquan and the 123 bridge
Donna Liguria's first time plein air painting (and first time drawing with my left hand, and barely any watercolor experience...)

Mark Murphy

Photo by Tom Payne of Mark 
Kayaking by Mark Murphy

David Dillon

Photo by Tom Payne of Dave

Robert Dew

Photo by Tom Payne of Robert


Wow! As you can see, Robert was VERY productive!

Anna Gatling

Photo by Tom Payne of Anna
Photo by Tom Payne of Anna and Marni
Photo of Anna's plein air painting

Emily Hawes

Photo by Tom Payne of Emily, whom I hear went fishing...
Emily Hawes Reference Photo
Emily Hawes plein air painting

Kathleen Gates and Joe Gates

Photo by Tom Payne of Joe and Kat Gates with Marni
Kat's Reference Photo
Kat Gates plein air painting

Sonya Cromwell 

Photo by Tom Payne of Sonya
Plein air painting by Sonya Cromwell

Plein Air Painting

Artists are nothing but out-of-the box creative people aren't they? And Marni gave us so many tips and suggestions that were so very helpful! I do believe we all had a terrific time and it was so nice to be out of the studio, out of the house and watching, hearing, experiencing nature -in your face- for a change. The chirps and quacks, the snippets of passerby conversation, the pitter-patter of jogging feet, as well as the ever present zoom of cars across the bridge were all a part of the flavors of the day from this spot on the river.

Photo by Donna Liguria, view of the Occoquan River toward the I95 bridge, and Robert Dew working on his painting
Visitors approaching, Photo by Donna Liguria
Noisy, nosey visitors watching us paint, and I didn't like the attitude of that art critic 2nd from the left. Photo by Donna Liguria
Lunch break with Marni, Photo by Donna Liguria

Challenge 2 was to take 2 pages of your sketchbook, breaking up into sections and doing small studies of something you see. Like close up leaves and grasses, or reflections on the water.

Challenge 3 was to do something we see but leave room on the page to write words - about the day, the location, the feeling...in a way its a diary of the day. Not sure many of us got to this challenge but it is a great way to remember the day in your art journal. Did anyone finish this task yet?

PWAS Question: Do we members that take a PWAS Plein Air Class, automatically become a part of the Plein Air Posse? Inquiring minds want to know. And second question, when can we do this again?

Free with support from the Prince William Arts Council and the Prince William Parks and Recreation

Author: Donna Liguria
Artistry Spin Blogmaster and an artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA, specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at DonnaLiguriaArt.com, her Donna's Esty site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.

Photography/Video Credits: Tom Payne, Donna Liguria and each artist

Local Art: The Prince William Art Society is a 50+-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia. Visit us at any of our local art shows or join us for our monthly meetings - held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Tall Oaks Community Center at 12298 Cotton Mill Dr, Woodbridge, VA at 7:30pm

Want to join PWAS? Go to https://www.princewilliamartsociety.com/membership

Have an idea for a blog post? Are you a writer and want to help with the blog? Let me know! Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!