Monday, May 13, 2024

Post 461: The Art Show at Tall Oaks

The Art Show at Tall Oaks

The Prince William Art Society (PWAS) hosts an annual Spring and Fall Art Show at the Tall Oaks Community Center found at 12298 Cotton Mill Drive in Woodbridge, VA and this past Saturday, May 11, 2024 was the first one of the season. Most of the day was bright and sunny, albeit a bit chilly in the shade. A great day to see some art!


We had a great turn out for the show with many people stopping in to enjoy the artwork. And we also had some PWAS members stopping in to see the show too! As a team, we had a great time getting together and doing all the things that get an art show setup and run. A lot of laughs, oooo's and awww's as we appreciated each others art and celebrated each piece of art that visitors purchased to give a new home to. Plenty of folks picked up PWAS brochures so hopefully some new faces join the group in future too, we hope.

A few pictures from the day...

Tall Oaks Community Center on the corner of Cotton Mill and Hedges Run
David Dillon plein air painting outside of Tall Oaks
Richard B Tyler sketching and preparing a painting
Evelyn Chatters led the Tall Oaks Show - a big thank you to Evelyn!

We love talking to all the visitors and some even like to ask about PWAS, if they are artists themselves and what their interests are.

In the show and stopping by were:

Doreen Dauer
Donna Liguria
Richard Tyler
Terry Sandin
Katleen Gates
Evelyn Chatters
Ana Quispe
Mark Clifton
David Dillon
Sylvester Harriet
Connie Huebner
Rosemary Schatz
Nicole Fisher
Anna Gatling

Thank you to all the artists that showed, the guys that helped with the equipment and those that set out all the signs, and by gosh all the behind the scenes things that have to happen to get a show ready, on the road and on the map. As they say, it takes a village, or in this case, a great art group!

If other participants have great pictures to add, please send them to me and I'll add them.

Author: Donna Liguria
Artistry Spin Blogmaster and an artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA, specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at, her Donna's Esty site and her Blog at Donna’s Cave Paintings.

Photography/Video Credits: Donna Liguria

Local Art: The Prince William Art Society is a 50+-year-old non-profit art group in PWC for the appreciation of fine art throughout the county and Northern Virginia. Visit us at any of our local art shows or join us for our monthly meetings - held on the 4th Monday of the month at the Tall Oaks Community Center at 12298 Cotton Mill Dr, Woodbridge, VA at 7:30pm

Want to join PWAS? Go to

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  1. Sounds like it was a great day all the way around ! 😊👍

  2. It looks great!
